Are we guarding the Sabbath?

A week ago, we had a couple friends over for dinner on Friday night to enter the Sabbath with us. As many of you know, we always have burritos on Friday night. It allows us to put Friday night dinner on auto pilot. Every Friday morning, our oldest son puts about a half gallon of […]

Eyes of Grace – Book Review

I was so delighted to be offered a chance to read this amazing book by the Lampkeeper and offer an honest review. It was exciting to be able to open the package and find fiction inside! I don’t usually allow myself to read fiction, not because I am diametrically opposed, but because I can’t put […]

Yah the One True God verses to copy

citrus fruit and verse list to copy

If we want to be able to trust and rely on our God, we need to better understand who He is. We also need to understand what sets him apart from other gods. My hope is that this monthly journey of verses will help you to better understand and as a result, worship and praise, […]

The wonders of creation verses

The wonders of creation are all around us as well as throughout Scripture. We can see YHVH’s hand as we look at creation. It is abundantly clear that creation had an intelligent designer. This month, we will be walking through several passages about creation and our Creator. Click on the image below to download your […]

Our God is amazing verses to copy

This month, I’ve been pondering how the world only pumps negativity into our lives. It depresses us and distracts us to the point where we are not living in our purpose and investing in the lives of those we love. The most sure cure I know of is to feed our minds some positivity. The […]

Writing the book of James

There is so much important truth in the book of James, so we will be spending the next month copying this amazing book. Download your free printable by clicking on the image below.

Learning about wisdom

This month, as we copy Scripture each day, we will be studying wisdom. You can download your printable below. Do you have an established routine for copying Scripture each day? If so, I’d love to hear about it. If not, here are some tips.

Yah’s love for us verses to copy

Yah has many characteristics, but one that brings us much comfort is the fact that He loves His people. This month, let’s look at some of those passages that show us His love for us. As you read and copy, be sure to look for cross references and parallel passages. How has He shown His […]

August verses – Foundational truths

It’s important to remind ourselves of the foundations of our faith from time to time. This month, we will be copying passages with some of these important truths. You can download your free printable and matching journal pages below by clicking the image. You can also subscribe to our monthly copywork subscription and receive a […]