Shabbat Shalom 1-4

Wow, it’s Preparation Day already! Between tearing out cabinets and nursing a brand new lamb, things have gotten away from me a bit this week. But I think there is only one way to handle it: Pull up my socks and act like a big girl! And move faster to create more heat to counter […]

Shabbat Shalom – 12-28

This week I would like to share a poem with you. It was written by Sigalit Chana from Hearts in Training, and was originally printed in our Torah family emagazine. Enjoy and have a wonderful Shabbat! Rest, my Beloved…Rest Give no place to despondency…. it is not of our Great and Mighty King, Yahweh, Elohim. […]

Thursday Torah trivia #1


How well do you know your Torah? (How well do I know my Torah?) For our purposes, we are defining Torah as the first five books of the Bible. Well, we are going to improve our knowledge, and hopefully learn something along the way. This week’s question is: How many women written of in the […]

Torah family interview #3

Say hello to Abbey Richards. She has been kind enough to share with us a little about herself and I know you will be blessed by getting to know her. 1.      Tell us a little about yourself. I am a stay at home homeschooling mother and wife. We live in a very small town in […]

Shabbat tortillas!

I think I have a new favorite food, tortillas! I have tried to make homemade tortillas in the past, but the rolling part just never worked out. I ended up with ugly, thick tortillas. But now that I have a tortilla press, we have been making them all the time. The part I love the […]

Torah Family Interview #2

Today we will be visiting Christina from I hope you enjoy getting to know her better. 1. Tell us a little about yourself. My name is Christina. I am married to my high school sweetheart and am a homeschooling mama to four. I love to read, photograph, write, sew, among many other things. 2. […]

Shabbat Shalom 12-7


Shabbat is here again. Is it just me, or does Friday seem to be a magnet for trouble? This week was no different. Doug was not feeling well most of the day. We went out in the freezing cold to continue working on his broken down truck. And just as he’s trying to leave for […]

Shabbat checklist

Do you ever feel like Prep day arrives and you realize you don’t know what’s for dinner Friday, let alone all day Shabbat? I know it has happened to me a few times. (blush) It’s simply a lack of planning on my part. So I came up with a simple little system to help me […]

Jonathon’s story – part 8

As our story draws to a close… As we approached Jerusalem, I got that same sick feeling I had gotten when we came up with my Father, many moons ago. Jerusalem was still completely desecrated. No children played in the streets. The shrubs were overgrown like a jungle and the gates were torn down. We […]

My Chanukah playlist

We love music, particularly around feast days. Here are some of our favorite songs for Chanukah. We hope you enjoy them. 🙂 You can get more Maccabeats music here. And you can get more music from the Yeshiva Boys Choir here. Have a happy Chanukah!