Journey through Colossians – verses for September

We are almost to the beginning of a new month, which means more Scripture verses! I received a suggestion to work through a smaller book of the Bible over a month, and I think this is a lovely idea! What better way to make sure we are keeping everything in context? This month, we will […]

Harvesting cabbage and making kraut

We crammed so many plants into our garden this year. Sometimes, it is a bit of an adventure to climb in and harvest the veggies! That is why we have plans to have two gardens next year, one for the tomatoes, cabbages, peppers, etc., and one for the corn and all the squashes. Today, we […]

Practical ideas for living out true religion

Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. James 1:27 TLV Modern religion as we know it is completely useless, but the religion described in James 1 is the most beautiful expression of our faith, […]

Preparing for school with your planner

While we love to just let the learning happen at our house, I still always enter a new school year with a solid plan. I decide on subjects that will be studied, collect books to use, and lay out a rough plan for the year. I made a video of how I use the homeschool […]

Wisdom in Scripture, August verses

This month, we will be exploring the concept of wisdom in Scripture. Obviously, there will be plenty of proverbs, since Proverbs is considered the book of wisdom. I encourage you to look for connections between passages to get a better understanding of how to get true wisdom. If you plan to do more than just […]

Is it really Torah versus Grace?

I’m not sure where this idea originated, but it has been around so long that we really need to take the time to logically think it through. Are the concepts of Torah and grace incongruent? Can they coexist? Let’s take a look at this idea from a few different angles. Yeshua came to fulfill Torah […]

Verses on salvation for July

This month, we will be copying verses on a very important topic: salvation. I have included references to salvation in general, as well as some Messianic references. I see many believers learning to keep Torah, and then rejecting Yeshua as the Messiah. My hope is that these verses will get you started on a journey […]

How to study the Bible

We all understand the importance of reading our Bibles, but how do we go about studying it? Are there certain things we should be looking for? Is there a correct way to go about it? What is the goal of studying, as opposed to just reading? Let’s take a look at how to study our […]

Courage verses to copy in June

I want to start by giving a big shout out to my mother. She faithfully copies from my monthly verses every month, and never fails to remind me that the new month is quickly approaching so I can get the new list ready. Thank you, Mom! This month’s verse list is loosely based on the […]

Verses on peace for May

This month, I selected several passages on peace. The passage in I Kings is a prayer of Solomon, very interesting. You can download the printable free below, along with matching journaling pages. Enjoy! Looking for more ways to be consistent on intentional about spiritual growth? Check out our used books about Biblical living here.