Moms need copywork, too

My life is filled with meal preparation and laundry, squabbles, cleaning, teaching, and even a few meaningful conversations. Often, each day runs into the next, and monotony can set in. We learn to be very efficient at what we do, but we never challenge ourselves, or question the deep issues of life. We might get […]

10 ways to love your children

Scripture teaches us to not only love our neighbor, but to love our children. The relationships we build in our home are perhaps the most important ones we will ever build. A child with a secure connection to their parents has a much easier time trusting and obeying them, and by extension, learns to trust […]

Easy ways to add Hebrew to your day


If you are like many families trying to observe Torah commands, you may also be trying to learn Hebrew. More and more Hebrew materials are popping up, and you may want to invest in them at some point but, in the meantime, here are some simple ways to add Hebrew to your day. Use Hebrew […]

Nature study for moms

Nature study for moms

I have always enjoyed taking walks with my kids and teaching them the names of the flowers. Nature study is an integral part of many homeschools. We call it science. It can be as simple as taking walks outside with our kids and talking about what we see. It can be as complex as keeping […]

Healing and the great commands


I used to have a much different view of healing than I do now. Thanks to exposure to certain teachers, I believed that physical ailments were a direct result of my sin. Healing could be acquired by repenting of my sins and praying with full belief that God could heal me. This sounds very Biblical, […]

The thankful and the complainers


I think we might divide up all the people in the world into two classes- the complainers and the thankful. Which one are you? Which am I? – Elisabeth Elliot We all know the importance of being thankful. The Bible is full of instructions to be grateful. One of our national holidays is devoted to […]

Questions for Bible study

bible study

When I was a teenager traveling around teaching Bible clubs, it seemed a lot easier to spend time in the Bible and journal about what I learned. I enjoyed spending that quiet time in my room after teaching clubs all day. Now that I have seven noisy children, I tend to fall into bed at […]



Welcome to Torah portion Beresheet Beresheet means In the beginning. Scripture passage: Genesis 1:1-6:8 Read Aloud from My First Torah In the beginning, Elohim made the heavens and the earth. He made everything by just speaking. He made everything in six days. On day one, He made light and dark. On day two, He made […]

Ki Tavo

ki tavo

Welcome to Torah portion Ki Tavo Ki Tavo means When you come in. Scripture passage: Deuteronomy 26:1-29:8 Read Aloud from My First Torah Moses continued to prepare the people for going into the Promised Land. He told them about firstfruits and tithes. Firstfruits is when they take the very first part of their harvest and […]



Welcome to Torah portion Shoftim Shoftim means Judges. Scripture passage: Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9 Read Aloud from My First Torah Torah teaches us much about how to live right. Torah also shows us how a country would look if everyone obeyed Torah. First, it would be a country where everyone is treated fairly. Judges and officers are […]