Moms, love your children
Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children. Titus 2:3-4 Every mom loves their children, right? We look at their adorable angelic faces as they sleep and are […]
Pray for your husband
It seems so obvious to pray for our husband when we say it aloud, but we might be falling a bit short in practice. Today, I’d like to give you lots of practical help in the important task of praying for your husband. The tips are helping me, too. Pray in the moment There is […]
Create a memorial jar
I am so excited to share with you an idea I had for a new tradition in our home. The memorial jar is a great way to create our own record of what YHVH has done for us as individuals and as a family. I was inspired by Joshua 4, so I would like to […]
Create a children’s Torah notebook
I’m always on the lookout for ways to make Torah practical and real for my children. I don’t want them to see the Bible as a bunch of antiquated stories that are fun to listen to but don’t really mean anything. Today I stumbled upon an idea that I hope you will find helpful. It’s […]
When mom has health issues
Today I want to share with you one of my hidden struggles and how I have learned to rise above it. I’m a mom with chronic health issues. I hope my tips will help you if you struggle with health issues as well. I have mentioned briefly before that I have a genetic disorder called […]
Practical niddah
UPDATED! I wrote the bottom portion of this post on niddah back in 2012. Since then, my husband and I have grown in our understanding of niddah, and I want to show you what we have learned. But, I don’t want to delete those original thoughts because they were part of my journey, and I […]
The daily habit you shouldn’t forget
When you think of daily habits, you might think of making your bed, unloading the dishwasher, or brushing your teeth. These are all great habits, but I bet your life would not fall apart if you forgot them. Today, I want to talk about a habit that you really can’t afford to forget. Every day […]
The Importance of Family Bible Study
I would like to speak from my heart today. We have been working really hard to have an evening Bible study time together as a family every night. We have learned a lot about being faithful and consistent, about learning together, and about the Bible. Today I want to share with you some of what […]
10 Great Things to do this Shabbat
Shabbat is the best day of the week! We have worked hard for six days, and then it is time to rest. It’s time to set aside the cares of the world and spend time with YHVH and our families. But how should we spend the day? Here are ten great ideas to have a […]
Scripture on your doorpost
YHVH wants us to surround and immerse ourselves with His instructions. With obedience to His commands comes great blessings. But we are feeble humans, and if we are not constantly reminded of His Word, we will soon forget. So, we are commanded to post Scripture on the doorposts of our home. Hear, O Israel: YHVH […]
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