Where have you been?

Yes, I know. I haven’t been around much lately. But I feel that I’m starting to settle in to the rhythm of this season of my life. So, here’s a little peek at what’s been going at our house lately. Gramma  (Doug’s mom) is spending her second winter with us. Caleb is heading strong towards […]



I don’t share all my life details and struggles online. I’m sure you don’t either. Some struggles are kept deep inside. We may not be prepared for the possibility of criticism or judgment, so we keep our struggles hidden. But there is One who understands. We are safe in His arms, and we don’t have […]

Prep day checklist

Here are some helpful reminders to help you get everything ready for Shabbat, because no one wants to remember the wet load of laundry in the middle of a relaxing and refreshing Shabbat. Have you… 1 taken care of the laundry, particularly the wet stuff? I make sure I have clean diapers every Friday and […]

Saying I’m sorry


Apologies are important, and so much more than saying sorry. YHVH asks us to have a heart of teshuva, of repentance. Not only should we confess our sin to YHVH, but we should apologize to each other. A sincere apology is a healing salve to a hurt relationship. I learned this lesson well this week […]

Love your children as yourself


One of Torah’s two guiding principles is loving our neighbor as ourselves. Torah gives us many examples of this, such as respecting property lines and helping someone with a burden. How do we show this love to our children? We need to treat them the same way we would want to be treated in their […]

Prep day tips

Here are a few tips to help you with your prep day tasks. 1 Use paper plates. Right now, my kitchen is clean. However, that can quickly change. I can end the day with a clean kitchen if I don’t keep dirtying dishes. We also use paper on Shabbat. To save money, we reuse them […]

An encouraging word

Good morning everyone! I just want to encourage you today with two thoughts. First, Torah is a book of action. So, let’s get ourselves in motion. What needs your attention today? Is it the dirty dishes? Go do them! Is it schoolwork with the kids? Go give it your best. And remember to do it […]

Time with Yeshua – Yeshua’s baptism

Join us as we explore the life of Yeshua! Each lesson will include verses to read, discussion questions, and some sort of activity, like a coloring page. 🙂 Enjoy! Yeshua’s baptism Bible verses Matthew 3:13-17 Mark 1:9-11 Luke 3:21-23 John 1:29-30 Discussion questions Who is John the Baptist? How is he connected with Yeshua? What […]

Time with Yeshua – Yeshua at 12 years

yeshua bible study

Join us as we explore the life of Yeshua! Each lesson will include verses to read, discussion questions, and some sort of activity, like a coloring page. 🙂 Enjoy! Yeshua at 12 Bible verses Luke 2:41-52 Discussion questions Why did Mary and Joseph go to Jerusalem for Passover each year? Back up your answer with […]

Time with Yeshua – Flight to Egypt

Join us as we explore the life of Yeshua! Each lesson will include verses to read, discussion questions, and some sort of activity, like a coloring page. 🙂 Enjoy! Flight to Egypt Bible verses Matthew 2:12-18 Discussion Questions Who was King Herod and what was he like? (Read the first part of ch. 2 for […]