Time with Yeshua – Birth of Yeshua

Join us as we explore the life of Yeshua! Each lesson will include verses to read, discussion questions, and some sort of activity, like a coloring page. 🙂 Enjoy! Birth of Yeshua Bible verses Matthew 1:18-25 Luke 2:1-7 Discussion questions Who were Yeshua’s earthly parents? What tribe did Joseph come from? Why was it important […]

A peek at one of my prep days

Have you ever felt like prep day is the hardest, most tiring and busiest day of the week? You are not alone. When we try to do the right thing (keep Shabbat), we will be attacked. But we need to keep at it, pull out our sense of humor, and just do our best to […]

Keeping Torah isn’t enough


After my seventh child, Caleb, was born, I found myself in a very dark place emotionally. I had never experienced “baby blues” or whatever you want to call it, but I sure had it this time. I wanted to crawl in a hole away from the world. I felt like a failure. I felt lonely. […]

5 things to simplify this summer

Summer is an awesome time of year. I love being able to walk outside barefoot and hang my laundry outside on the line. But summer can also get a bit hectic and we may crave a bit of simplicity. Here are some areas where you can simplify. 1. Simplify Bible study Scripture reading should be […]

Worship from an 8 year old

We’ve been working on developing some good habits lately. Many times we get a good thing in place and something happens to throw us off. With pregnancy and a newborn to care for, daily Bible study had become a thing of the past. So, we have been working very hard to make sure we study […]

Shavuot 2014

Hello, everyone! Did you enjoy celebrating Shavuot? We had a rare treat of being able to meet several other Torah keeping families. I thought it would be fun to share some pictures with you. Here’s Gramps and Marmee (my parents) enjoying some time with Caleb. Our lovely and very delicious challah bread, prepared by our […]

Important announcement

Good morning everyone. I want to say thank you to every single one of you. You are wonderful supportive friends and have given me so much encouragement over the many months I have had this website. I do need to make an announcement, though. My husband and I, after much prayer, have decided that I […]

Caleb’s birth story

I have struggled for a week to write Caleb’s birth story, to make sense of it all. He is a most precious gift, a sweet little baby, but he did not arrive in the way I envisioned. I know there are lessons to be learned from every situation YHVH brings us. But I also think […]

The Writing Course – a review

With baby number seven arriving any day, and a single income, I try to be careful with my education dollars. When I came across “The Writing Course,” I got very excited. It took me some time to save up for it, but I’m so glad I did. Today, I’d like to tell you what I […]

Messianic Inspiration

This month has been an exciting month of announcements! Today I am pleased to tell you about a brand new site just for people like you! It’s called Messianic Inspiration. It’s a place to get to know people of like minded faith through chat, blog posts, videos, and even an upcoming mall for Messianic vendors! […]