Purim is a wonderful feast set up to remember all the amazing events in the book of Esther. We have so enjoyed telling Esther’s story to our children each year during Purim. Are you planning to celebrate Purim this year? Here are some great ideas to get you started. Retell the wonderful story of Hadassah, […]
Building our homes – Lessons from Nehemiah ch. 5
We are almost to the end of our Nehemiah journey, with just one more post to follow. Have you found it helpful so far? Who’d have thought that Nehemiah had so much to say to homemakers? Today we’ll take a look at Nehemiah ch. 5. Nehemiah discovered that the Jews were charging interest to each […]
Creating a birth sukkah–Bible verses
I printed some verses to look at during my labor with Noah 2 1/2 years ago. They were a great comfort to me. I was anxious to add a few to my list for this baby due in about 10 weeks, give or take a few. I found some printable verses specifically chosen for labor […]
Building our homes–learning from Nehemiah ch. 4
Nehemiah and the many people building with him had managed to build the wall up to half its height. But now the trouble came. Please take the time to read Nehemiah ch. 4. People began to jeer and mock. They called the job impossible. They laughed at Nehemiah’s efforts. They even gathered together to fight […]
Copywork basics
We don’t use 100% Charlotte Mason methods, but our homeschool has been heavily influenced by her ideas. Copywork is a fundamental of her approach to language skills. So, today I’d like to talk a bit about copywork, how to approach it, what it accomplishes, and how to best make use of our copywork books. What […]
Creating my birth sukkah 3
This has been a week of revelations and deep introspection. This baby has been very quiet compared to my other babies, and it was easy to begin to worry. It was easy to get caught up in making sure I do the right exercises, take the right supplements, eat the right food. I knew I […]
Building our homes–Lessons from Nehemiah ch. 3
Nehemiah had surveyed the wall. He was prepared for the opposition. Now it was time to build. But Nehemiah did not do it alone. Each gate or section of the wall was built by a separate group or family. Each group worked at the same time so that the wall grew in record time. The […]
Shabbat Shalom video
We had fun putting together these “sleeping” pictures for you! Enjoy your rest this Shabbat!
Clean up games
Getting ready for Shabbat each week can often feel overwhelming. We need to prepare all the food ahead, and clean the house enough so that it is pleasant to be in for a day. This can be a tall order if left until Prep day. We have been starting our preparations earlier in the week […]
Building our homes – Lessons from Nehemiah – ch. 2:9-20
Nehemiah arrived in Jerusalem and immediately met with opposition. Sanballat and Tobiah were greatly displeased that anyone would dare to come and check on the people of Israel. As a result, Nehemiah wisely kept his intentions to himself. The first thing he did was secretly survey the situation. This involved going out at night to […]
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