Mothers – to be or not to be

  I recently came across an article that left many people upset in its wake. It was written by an Amy Glass and summarized her feelings about marriage and child raising. I haven’t linked to it here, partly because it is nothing but filthy nonsense, and partly because I don’t want to spend hours trying […]

Creating my birth sukkah – 2

Gramma and I got quite a bit done on my birth sukkah this week! I really wanted to create the atmosphere of a tent. Also, we’re working in a garage with building materials leaning against the walls and a concrete floor. Translation: lots of things to hide. Answer: curtains! Please forgive my not so perfect […]

Creating my birth sukkah – 1

Just a warning: This post and the ones following in this series will probably only be of interest to women that are pregnant or plan to have more children. A big sorry to the rest of you, but, hey! This is where I’m at right now! Birth is one of those experiences where the more […]

Building our Homes–Lessons from Nehemiah–Introduction


Not too long ago, my daughter asked me, “Why are we here?” It’s the age old, meaning of life, purpose, wondering what our lives are really about. I have pondered this often myself. It is sometimes hard to see any purpose in life when we see ourselves eating, sleeping, and doing chores over and over […]

Finding a constant in a crazy world

I’ve had a very emotional week. I’m five months pregnant, and that’s not an excuse. It’s a reason. Some things you might understand. There are other things that I wouldn’t even attempt to explain to the mouse in my pocket. After spending half an hour crying and praying while hiding behind the clothes in my […]

Incident report forms

We had the most hilarious and inspiring parenting incident not too long ago, and it was all inspired by a facebook post. I read this clever idea of requiring incident report forms when a child wants to tell on another child. I did not have a chance to make up some official forms before an […]

No Christmas – Now what?

My recent post on Christmas got an overwhelming response. Over 1000 people saw the post on facebook. It was shared over 20 times. I am grateful for all the comments that were shared. Many of them were in disagreement, but that’s ok, too. I am thankful for opposing arguments that I can check and research. […]

Book Review – Planning a Successful Sabbath

Planning a Successful Sabbath The book review I am doing today has me very excited! I hope it will meet a need for many of you. As you can tell from the title, it’s about Shabbat. But it is unique in that it is specifically written for single moms. Single moms are in the position […]