Movie Review – Belle and the Beast
It’s time for another movie review! I’m going to explore a rather different genre today, that of Christian romance. I decided to review this movie because it provided quite a bit of unexpected discussion in our home, especially considering I originally rented this movie for me. 🙂 So, on to the review! Belle and the […]
Tassels on skirts
I shared a picture of my tzitziyot on facebook yesterday. Here’s the pic. This method has worked really well for me for a long time. I can pin all four tassels on at one time. But a lovely lady (thank you, Anne) asked if the Hebrew would indicate that they should be in four different […]
Time for repentance
My husband, being a pilot, looks up at the sky a lot, and always has. Lately, he has seen some interesting and perhaps alarming things. It has also become quite clear that as we look around us, troubling times are ahead. YHVH tests and judges His people first, before He deals with the world. I’ll […]
Pinterest or Polaroid?
I enjoy spending some time on pinterest occasionally. I love looking at the delicious prepared meals and the perfectly decorated rooms. Many bloggers also have a wonderful ability to get lovely photographs, you know, the ones where their children are immaculate and dressed in coordinating outfits. It’s easy to look at these staged photos and […]
A praise and a party!
I have a couple things I’d like to share with you today. First, the praise! I am so very thankful to YHVH that I am finally feeling better. 🙂 It has been a long first trimester, but I have emerged, ready to tackle the world again. I even have my first midwife appointment next week. […]
Movie Review – The 613 Commandments of Moses
Movie Review The 613 Commandments of Moses I was pleased to be given the opportunity to review this DVD set. There is great value in studying the Torah from many angles. So often, we focus on the weekly Torah portion, which is a wonderful way to get familiar with Torah, the foundation of the Bible. […]
A Flattened Tonka Tale
My son Noah is very fond of his metal Tonka truck. He drives it around the yard and up and down the driveway everyday. I often park it in the ditch on the way back from the mailbox because its little driver got a bit tired. It was a very sad day indeed when the […]
Sukkot 2013
We had a wonderful Sukkot this year! After several years, we felt like we finally ironed out all the kinks and could really enjoy our time. Doug was thoughtful enough to help us keep the meals very simple, so I could rest during the whole week. I basically moved from my cot to a chair […]
Yom Kippur 2013
Back in July, Doug requested nine days vacation for the fall feasts. A week before Trumpets, we were shocked to discover that he had only been approved for one day, Feast of Trumpets. We felt like our world had crumbled apart. We knew it was risky, but we politely asked if there was any possible […]
Finders – Returners
If you see your brother’s ox or his sheep wandering, do not go by without helping, but take them back to your brother. If their owner is not near, or if you are not certain who he is, then take the beast to your house and keep it till its owner comes in search of […]
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