Learning to wait

You know those moments when you realize this is probably happening because YHVH is trying to teach me something? Well, that’s what’s been happening to us the past two weeks. Doug has not been able to work for almost two weeks, due to circumstances completely outside his control. It has been a roller coaster of […]

10 days of heart issues- Take the blame

(Reprint from July 2012) Take the blame Who threw the kickball on the roof? “Not me!” “Not me!” “It was Noah!” “Guys, Noah can’t even walk yet!” Nobody wants to take the blame, if our children are any example. But last time I checked, none of us is perfect. Now, more than ever, we need […]

Family Torah School 2013 – Day 3


This summer, spend a week with your kids having fun and learning more about Torah, reminiscent of vacation Bible school. This year’s theme is “My favorite farm animals.” The kids helped pick out a farm animal for each day, and everything for that day is loosely tied to the animal. Here you will find a […]

Family Torah School 2013 – Day 2

  This summer, spend a week with your kids having fun and learning more about Torah, reminiscent of vacation Bible school. This year’s theme is “My favorite farm animals.” The kids helped pick out a farm animal for each day, and everything for that day is loosely tied to the animal. Here you will find […]

10 days of heart issues ~ Be quiet


(Reprint from July 2012) Be quiet We live in a very loud and busy world. Many people spend their whole lives going from here to there and never having a deeper thought than asking what’s for dinner. The silence is scary. We want to enjoy the ripples on top of the pond that is our […]

How to preserve herbs

Herbs are a wonderful gift from our Creator. As we season our food, we are also improving our health! Herbs at the grocery store or health food store can be expensive, so if there are plants you can grow and preserve yourself, all the better. I have found a very simple, yet effective way to […]

Shabbat Snacks


Why is it that on Shabbat, everyone is hungry? This post will hopefully help you fill those incredible rumbly little tummies when you can’t prepare a full meal. Here are some snacks that we like to enjoy on Shabbat.   cheese and crackers fruit muffins ants on logs (celery sticks with peanut butter and raisins) […]

Family Torah School 2013 – Day 1


This summer, spend a week with your kids having fun and learning more about Torah, reminiscent of vacation Bible school. This year’s theme is “My favorite farm animals.” The kids helped pick out a farm animal for each day, and everything for that day is loosely tied to the animal. Here you will find a […]

Movie review – The Story of Ruth

Our family decided to take the plunge and join a movie club. We settled on Christian Cinema, to be able to get good family films and Biblical dramas. Today, I’m excited to review a movie we recently watched called The Story of Ruth. My children and I enjoy Biblical dramas, particularly for a peek at […]

10 days of heart issues ~ Tell the truth


(Reprint from July 2012) Welcome to 10 days of heart issues. We’re going to spend some time digging a little deeper. Look beneath the surface and begin to clean out some things that were going unseen. I would encourage you to get a little notebook and write down your thoughts, the things you discover, your […]