Eating and Living

I had a dream last night, of which I have vague recollections of images of Mr. Rogers, and a phrase that I cannot forget. I have learned to take notice of things in dreams that seem etched into my mind. Perhaps they were in my dream for a reason. Well, I woke up with this […]

Embrace today

It’s easy to spend a lot of time thinking about tomorrow. I have visions of what I want my house to look like. I can picture a productive and smooth school day. And what if the kids were clean, brushed and in well coordinated clothes, all at the same time!? It’s also easy to wonder […]

Doula for a day

As I have learned more about ancient Israel as a nation and people, I have come to appreciate that they are an earthy, passionate people. They embrace life in every aspect, the ups and downs, the ordinary and the not so ordinary. All of life is connected, and the physical events we experience teach us […]

Lessons in the leaven

The feasts each have something to teach us about Torah, about our Elohim, about our Savior. And every year we learn something new in our journey. Passover was such a delight this year for us. Our children are grasping truths, and sitting still during the seder lol! I’d like to share a few highlights from […]



(This post was originally published January, 2012. We hope it is a blessing to you this year, too.) We are part way through the winter months and it is exciting to think that the spring feasts will soon be upon us. We are already making preparations for Passover this year. I would like to take […]

Opening the Word – Phil 2:1-4

So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant […]

Radios and health

So did you click on this because of the weird title lol? Actually, this post is about radios, and it’s about health, but not at the same time. So here we go. Radios first. My radio interview that I told you about last week will be live tomorrow, Tuesday March 12. You can listen in […]

A quick update

I wasn’t able to give you a full week’s update this week, but I’d like to share a few highlights. 🙂 Can you believe I actually left my house for the first time since December? Yeah, I tend to hibernate in the winter. And now I think I’m coming down with a cold, must be […]

Opening the Word – Phil. 1:27-28

Only, behave yourselves worthily of the Good News of Messiah, in order that whether I come and see you or am absent, I hear about you, that you stand fast in one spirit, with one being, striving together for the belief of the Good News, without being frightened in any way by those who oppose, […]

Opening the Word – Phil. 1:12-14

And I wish you to know, brothers, that what has befallen me has turned out for the advancement of the Good News, so that it has become known to all the palace guard, and to all the rest, that my chains are in Messiah; and most of the brothers, trusting in the Master because of […]