Lacto fermented heaven
Okay, I’m not a complete foreigner to lacto fermented food. I’ve made the occasional jar of lacto fermented pickles with a recipe from Nourishing Traditions. This is a great cookbook. But, to be frank, I find many of those recipes a bit unrealistic for a modern family of kids who like fun food. I don’t […]
Simple Pleasures
I have felt very restless and discontent lately. Is it because I’m not grateful for what I have? No, absolutely not. I have been richly blessed. I am restless because I know in my heart that I am not fully entering into that blessing. I am wasting my time on frivolous things that don’t matter. […]
Stamp thine own image
Stamp thine own image by contributor Evonne Mandella Proverbs 20:7 The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him. Devotional Begin with prayer. Do you know someone who has great integrity? Are they honest and kind? Truthful in all their dealings? If you answered yes, count yourself as blessed! It is […]
Much anticipated arrival
What a wonderful Shabbat surprise I found this morning! Our Boer goat doe, Maggie, gave birth to beautiful twin girls this morning. They are already nursing like pros. Maggie is a very attentive mother. They look like little puppy dog bunny rabbits! Praise YHVH for his blessing on the flock!
Mount Sinai cake for Shavuot
I saw this idea for a Mount Sinai cake on Pinterest and just had to try my own version. Mine is much more rustic and much less frosting (well, no frosting). We started with a brownie base and stacked banana muffins on top of it. The muffins were baked in tuna fish cans (minus the […]
Am I mom enough?
This question has been popping up all over the internet as people respond to the recent TIME article about attachment parenting. I can’t help but evaluate myself with the same question. So, am I mom enough? Yes. Is it because I breastfeed my babies? No. Is it because I homeschool my children? No. Is it […]
How do I homeschool Torah?
“Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall […]
What about tzitziyot?
I was recently asked about tzitziyot by a reader. What do they mean? Should women wear them? These are excellent questions, but before I answer them, I’d like to give a brief explanation of where I’m coming from. We have been on this Torah keeping, Hebrew roots journey for 5 1/2 years. In that time, […]
What’s in a name?
In Hebrew thought, a name is the the breath and very essence of a person. It describes his character. I have found this to be true in my own family, as I watch each of my children grow into their names and prove them true. In the Bible, I see the same things happening. Knowing […]
Emotions, who needs ’em?
As much as I would sometimes like them to disappear entirely, emotions are a very real part of our lives. We feel angry, sad, elated, silly, anxious, relieved, the list goes on. Why do we have emotions? Why do we feel guilty for having them? What does Torah say? I was raised in a Baptist […]
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