Please excuse the mess!
I am in the process of moving my blog over to my website: I am also switching to wordpress. Things are already looking funny at my site, but I promise, it will be worth the effort. I am excited to have everything under one roof, with an easy way to make changes to everything […]
Sadie’s Stories – a time of discoveries
This is a difficult post for me to write and also an important one. There are sometimes confusing moments in our parenting journey. We wonder how we got where we are. We have to face hard truths. And when we do, we discover rare beauties that we were missing. As you will remember from a […]
Thoughts on the Days of Awe
My life is made up of minutes.Each minute I use costs me part of my life.How did I use those minutes?Did I waste them on silliness, or selfishness, or wishful thinking?Or did I make a difference in the lives of those around me?Did I share a smile?Did I offer a drink of water?Did I patiently […]
Feast of Trumpets 2011
Feast of Trumpets It is always a joy to celebrate the feasts of YHVH. This year was unique. It felt as though someone did not want us to celebrate. We had to deal with some spiritual warfare. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the […]
Rubber boot homeschool week #4
We had a shorter week to allow time for Feast of Trumpets.It was a week of learning to be flexible and a week of learning to be strict. I learned to be flexible in science class. We moved to the couch so everyone could cuddle and see the pictures. I also decided to rearrange the […]
How to rejoice when the car gets fixed
I thought everyone would like to know that my van is fixed! I now have power steering again. The really exciting part is that I fixed it myself. I am not in the habit of fixing cars, or even checking fluid and changing tires. But I do hand over wrenches quite nicely, so I felt […]
Rubber boot homeschool week #3
It was nice to get back to a relatively normal school routine this week. Last week, I felt like I was up to my ears in hot dogs and jerky. Nearly 50 lbs later, the butchering is all done. Toddler Highlight The little people in our house get to be part of the fun, too. […]
Shabbat Q & A
Question from a reader: How do I avoid the little jobs on Shabbat? Answer: It takes planning to truly be able to rest on Shabbat. If you don’t plan, things will creep up and need handling on Shabbat. Here is a list of tips that I have learned in the last few years as I […]
How to rejoice when the car breaks down
When the unexpected happens, it is hard to rejoice. It is hard to be happy when you pull into a parking lot and discover that you have no steering. That is what happened to me today. But, Praise Yah, He helped me to rejoice in the middle of it. This morning, Doug had the great […]
Rubber boot homeschool week #2
This has been a very interesting week. We had to get through our bookwork by lunch every day, because the afternoons were full of other jobs that needed to be done. You saw last week that we slaughtered a sheep. Normally, we would do this on a Sunday, work hard for about six hours, and […]