Torah in your school day

Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall […]

Verses on peace to copy

We live in a world that is the farthest thing from peaceful, yet the Bible has the word peace at least 400 times! I think we could all use some of that peace, couldn’t we? YHVH promises to give us peace, so let’s spend this month exploring many of the passages teaching us about His […]

Teaching Early American History

I know as we look around, it can be discouraging to try and teach our children the amazing history of America. This country has chosen, for the most part, the low and immoral route. Yet, when we look at our beginnings, this country was founded on firm Biblical principles. I have made a fresh effort […]

Verses to pray for your husband

This month, I was going through one of my old Scripture journals, rereading the passages and the prayers I had written out. I kept that journal at a time when my husband was facing a lot of challenges and uncertainty. Many of the passages were prayers that I prayed for him. I thought it would […]

Nothing goes to waste on a farm

We’ve had a hobby farm for about 17 years, but in the last couple years we have worked hard to become full-time homesteaders. In all those years, we have learned an important lesson. Nothing should go to waste. Everything on the farm can be put to use, if you think creatively. We just butchered a […]

Praise, whether we feel like it or not

YHVH is worthy of praise, no matter what. He never changes. He is rock solid and reliable. He is working for our good behind the scenes, even when we feel like He is far away. I want to encourage you this month as you copy Scripture, to choose praise. Many of us have much to […]

June verse list

The planting season has begun in full swing. The Bible has a lot to say about all things agricultural. In fact, as we learn about farming, plants, gardening, etc., we understand the Scriptures better. Many of Yeshua’s parables were farming stories, using physical concepts to explain spiritual ideas. Many of this month’s verses are about […]

YHVH is my strength copywork

It’s time for a new month of verses to copy. This month’s verses show us how YHVH is our strength, our rock, our fortress, our protection. I hope you will find encouragement and security as you study the character of YHVH this month. A couple of the passages stretch over several days because the verses […]

How to fill your homeschool library

A family homeschool library doesn’t need to be huge or take up a lot of space, if it is created with thought. It should be built with solid resources and classics. Passing interests can be researched at a public library. In today’s post, I’d like to explore some of the key book categories that deserve […]

Farmer’s Market ideas

As we step up our homesteading game, heading to the farmer’s market with our produce has become a big goal. I want to do more than just offload extra zucchini, though. I’ve been on Pinterest, and brainstorming ideas to stand out a bit at our local farmer’s market. Here are some of my ideas. Get […]