Can we obey 98% of the time?

As we enter into the fall feasts, we are given a wonderful opportunity to evaluate ourselves.  We need to look in the dark corners of our closets, peek under the cupboards, organize that high shelf. So it is at this time that I ask the question: Am I obeying YHVH 98% of the time? Yahshua […]

Homeschool 2011-2012 Week 1

Isn’t that an awful title? I’ll try to be more creative next time. So we had our first week of school this week. I could say it went well, or I could say it didn’t go so well. I think mostly it was about learning to work with life in the middle of school. I […]

Pop up pictures

We started school yesterday! I will post more about that later. Today I would like to share a cool little project we did tonight. Grandpa visited the other day with several pop up books in tow. This pop up concept was fascinating to my children. Thankfully, I was familiar with the basic construction, so we […]

Psalm 17:8

Psalm 17:8 “Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings.” I love finding word pictures in Scripture. Sometimes I have to dig a little into the Hebrew to find them. Sometimes they are right in front of me. This verse immediately makes me think of chickens. I […]

New Book review posted

I would like to point you in the direction of Pebble Crossing, who just posted a review of  “The Children’s Ketubbah Project.” (Psst, there’s a giveaway for a copy of my ebook.) Please check out their new website, too. Check it out here. Mark your calendars! This Sunday you will be able to get a […]

Show your love

Show some love to your kids today give them a hug rub noses together go on a nature hike check the mail together make cookies play a game share a book listen to them give your daughters a fancy hairstyle make something help them clean their room write a note for them have a scavenger […]

What is Torah family living?

What is Torah family living? What does it look like? It will look slightly different in every family, but there are common factors. The main idea is to take the principles found in Torah very seriously and seek to apply them on a daily basis. There is much more in Torah than Sabbath and the […]

Sadie’s Stories

I don’t normally do a separate preschool curriculum. Normally the little ones sit with me while I teach the bigger ones. They participate where they can, pick info up by osmosis, and stay out of trouble. Everyone’s happy! But this year, I felt the need to do something different with Sadie. She is child #4, […]

A sample

It occurred to me that I didn’t give very much info about what is actually in The Children’s Ketubbah Project. You can’t read my mind, so let me attempt to do that here. Below is one of the ketubbahs found in the book, written for daughters. There is also one for sons. There are other […]

Pen Benefits

So I wrote a book about parenting. I hope you all enjoy it. I’m sure you won’t agree about everything in it. And that’s okay, because I wrote it mostly for myself. Suddenly, I have changed my perspective as a mother. (Perhaps I want to make sure I’m doing my best so I don’t become […]