Thoughts on the Old Testament

I have been reading through the Bible in 90 days. I have never done this before, and I am awed by what I am seeing. YHVH preserved His truth and His people, even when they did very wicked things and left Him. He preserved their geneology, so they would know who they were when their […]

Any ideas?

I have a sore right “milk jug.” I’ve had infections before, and don’t want to spend my birthday tomorrow with one. I’m taking vitamin C and echinacea. Doug bought me a cabbage, because the leaves are supposed to be comforting. I have a feeling it is brought on by stress. I have a bunch of […]

Passive Solar Heater

I wanted to show you one of our summer projects. It is a passive solar heater based on the principle that hot air rises and cold air sinks. We built it with a 4 x 8 sheet of plywood for the back. It has two holes on the top for vents and two holes on […]

Some pics

Holly with her little buddy, Noah. It’s funny that Elisha loves his big sister Naomi, and Noah loves Holly. They are both so helpful to me. Noah is growing like a weed, and laughs and smiles. Daddy is so happy that Noah will lounge on him. This is Whiskey, hopefully the newest member of our […]

A published author

I finally did it! I wrote an ebook and published it! This has been a dream of mine for about 12 years. There weren’t ebooks back then lol. I will be telling you all about it and telling you about the giveaways we will be having to celebrate. In the meantime, I will let you […]

Sheep and Goats

Scripture talks alot about sheep and goats. I raise both on our farm. They are as different from each other as night and day. This is surprising, since they often are mistaken for each other, particularly by the untrained eye.  Our sheep are rather wild. They do their thing, eating, chewing their cud, making lambs, […]

Sukkah Pictures!

I have the first round of sukkah pictures for you to vote on. You may use whatever criteria you want to decide which one you like the best. The winner will be on the cover of the next edition of Torah Family e-magazine. #1 # 2 # 3 # 4 Please vote by number in […]

Photo Shoot

We had a photo shoot at our house the other day. Would you like to see some pics? Rags, the old-fashioned way to curl your hair. Why did we have a photo shoot? Stay tuned to see the finished result!

Shabbat Shalom!

Wow, we are only a few hours from sunset! I have had a wonderful day. I made a list and managed to get everything done. I tried really hard to set the mood, which I often overlook due to time constraints. I put a tablecloth out, set the table early, put music on, etc. Everyone […]

Shabbat Shalom!

Wow, we are only a few hours from sunset! I have had a wonderful day. I made a list and managed to get everything done. I tried really hard to set the mood, which I often overlook due to time constraints. I put a tablecloth out, set the table early, put music on, etc. Everyone […]