Torah parenting – Adam and Eve
The theme of my website is “Torah family living.” How can we apply Torah to everyday family life? What does the Torah say about parenting? Can we go beyond Deuteronomy chapter six, and the teaching that rebellious children are to be stoned? I think we can. But it might require a little thinking outside the […]
An incredible day
I would love to do another post on previous birth experiences, so you would completely understand how incredible this birth was. But I like to keep my blog a relatively positive place, so I’ll keep it brief. I have had many false alarms, lasting days at a time, 2 c-sections, 3 transfers to the hospital, […]
Breaking down a unit study
I love unit studies. I don’t care for textbooks, primarily because I like the freedom to teach in the moment, using their interests, following rabbit trails, and moving on when needed. However, I do like the convenience of our language arts books, for example. I open the book to Lesson 27, and we read and […]
So I lost two babies in one night and cried my eyes out. The next morning, our last baby goat was acting sick. He didn’t come when called, didn’t eat, and wobbled when he walked. Before long, he wouldn’t stand at all. I discovered that he was probably infected with a virus that causes nerve […]
Trying to have a thankful heart
Lambing season can be very rough sometimes. All the cute little baby animals are so adorable. But sometimes it is hard. It is hard when you hold a baby in your arms and realize that all you did to help them just wasn’t enough. You rub and rub, hoping to see some spark of life, […]
A cooking education
I have been following Moira’s blog for some time, but didn’t actually read many posts. Well, I headed over there and started reading. I learned alot! And I only read what was actually up on the screen at the time. If you would like to learn more about healthy cooking, go get an education at […]
My lack of a dehydrator
I have a great desire to own a dehydrator. I have researched and found what I feel is the best balance between low wattage and full features. I definitely want to dehydrate liquids, so I must be able to get leather trays. The only problem is paying for it lol. I really want to pay […]
I was recently accused of being stereotypical. I accept that “insult.” In our house, Daddy does certain jobs, and Mommy does certain jobs. Daddy defends the home, protects us, guides us, earns the paycheck to support us. Mommy does the majority of the cooking, cleans the house, and teaches the kids. We do the jobs […]
When will Yahshua return?
Have any of the seals been opened? Are we the last generation? When will Yahshua return? Where are we in end time prophecy? I will anwer these questions with a question. Can you tell me when Noah Ephraim will be born? What time of day will labor start? How long will the early contractions last? […]
Homeschooling tip: online resource organizing
If someone asked me what curriculum I use to homeschool my kids, I might be tempted to answer “PDF.” I admit, I use alot of resources I find online. I have dialup, so that rules out video, but it still leaves a whole lot of PDF. So how do I keep track of all these […]