Torah School copywork
For those of you who use copywork as part of your schoolwork, I have put together a download to go with the Torah portion. There are three levels, K-3, 4-8, and 9-12. K-3 has some simple verses to copy from the portion, with lines right on the paper to make it simple for them. The […]
Psalm 37:3 Hebrew word study
Trust in YHVH and do good, so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. Psalm 37:3 Batach – Trust – The concept is one of clinging to security, having confidence in, relying on. Tov – Good – This word is so much more than good. The idea is of a […]
A little praise
I would like to share something exciting that happened to me. It may be a small thing to others, but it was a big thing to me. I was talking on the phone to Doug at work, when it felt like I got something in my eye. I had to hang up the phone while […]
Beginning Readers
Okay, I’ve been at it again. This writing thing is contagious, or just plain addictive. Holly and Isaac are currently practicing their short vowel sounds, and I made this book to give them further practice. I hope your children will enjoy it, too. This book gives practice with the (at) family. Download “A cat on […]
Our journey to simple living
I have always been drawn to the simple life. My mom made our own clothes and toys, and my dad grew a big garden and hunted venison to help with food. Now, with a home of my own and 5+ kids to care for, my heart is seeking the simpler ways again. Part is from […]
Walking out the Word printable
I want to introduce another printable I just finished. This series is called “Walking out the Word.” Each set addresses one command in the torah and gives kids lots of hands on ways to understand and practice it. The first in the series is about wearing tassels. It has bible studies, coloring pages, hands on […]
an inspiring birth
I just stumbled upon this birth account and found it very inspiring. It was written by a Jewish woman, after the birth of her daughter. Her faith and confidence, despite her fears, was amazing. I hope you enjoy it. I also want to remember where it is, lol, so I can read it again. Overcoming […]
Real life Math
I just finished reading the math section in The Three R’s by Ruth Beechick. It contained a very helpful reminder that young children learn with their hands. They need to count the spoons, sort the blocks, etc. Numbers on a page don’t mean anything to them yet. This is where real life math comes in. […]
Little fiber artist
“She worketh willingly with her hands.” Holly used her “Chanukah” money from Gramma to buy a wooden peg loom. I am so thrilled to see her take to it like she has. She comes from a long line of women who worked willingly with their hands. My grandmother made embroidered tablecloths. My aunt spun wool […]
Prep day followup
I didn’t quite make it before the 3:00 pm deadline, but here I am anyway. Elisha and I got a little distracted. I was trying to clean the living room floor, and decided to do it with a wet wash cloth. Then I could practice crawling around, which will be good for baby positioning later […]