Healing, Part 1

This is about my prayer for healing. Let me give you a little background first. My first baby was born by c-section. My next three were vbacs. Then I had another c-section. I want to have as many children as YHVH blesses me with. My birth history is beginning to work against me. July 3, […]

Praise YHVH for my husband!

I want to take a few minutes and praise YHVH for my husband.  DISCLAIMER: He’s still a little rough around the edges, but I love him anyway!I’m very thankful for how he has stepped up to the plate in recent months.  We got a satellite to watch God’s Learning Channel back in January, and since […]

Of chickens and fear


So my children are all talking about getting to go in and help me pay for chicken feed at the feed store. My three year old pipes up with, “I not go chickens. Chickens kill me.” Everyone laughed at her cuteness, including her. But the real truth is that she is terrified of chickens. If […]