Nature study in winter
Nature study has always been a big part of my life. When I was little, my dad would walk around the yard with me and tell the names of the flowers and trees. I have done the same with my children. Nature study doesn’t have to be fancy. We just need to learn to observe […]
Verses on fruits and works
Welcome to a new month of copying! How many of you have been following and copying along? Be sure to leave a comment if you have been writing Scripture each month! This month, I collected verses that talk about fruit (fruit of our labors, fruit showing our faith, etc) and works. James tells us that […]
Copy Scripture with me
Most of the time, I am consistent to get in my Bible every morning when I drink my coffee. Each morning and each passage looks a little different, but this video gives you a peek at one of my Bible study mornings. My daughter was kind enough to hold the camera over my shoulder to […]
December verse list Psalm 119
This month, we will be copying through Psalm 119! This is a fascinating chapter since almost every single verse tells us more about the Torah. I encourage you to make some lists while you copy this month. How many words are used for Torah? Look up those words in the Hebrew. What descriptive pictures are […]
Verses about sheep and shepherds to copy
I so enjoyed collecting the verses for this month’s copywork. All the verses have to do with sheep and shepherds, especially the Good Shepherd. We have raised sheep for about 15 years, and they have been very interesting to observe. We have also raised goats, and they are a completely different animal, pun intended. As […]
Gratefulness in Scripture for October
It’s time for a new verse list! I am so excited to see so many of you joining me each month to read and copy Scripture together. The most important thing you can do as a wife and mother is strengthen your relationship with your Abba, YHVH. We know that we can talk to our […]
Journey through Colossians – verses for September
We are almost to the beginning of a new month, which means more Scripture verses! I received a suggestion to work through a smaller book of the Bible over a month, and I think this is a lovely idea! What better way to make sure we are keeping everything in context? This month, we will […]
Harvesting cabbage and making kraut
We crammed so many plants into our garden this year. Sometimes, it is a bit of an adventure to climb in and harvest the veggies! That is why we have plans to have two gardens next year, one for the tomatoes, cabbages, peppers, etc., and one for the corn and all the squashes. Today, we […]
Practical ideas for living out true religion
Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. James 1:27 TLV Modern religion as we know it is completely useless, but the religion described in James 1 is the most beautiful expression of our faith, […]
Preparing for school with your planner
While we love to just let the learning happen at our house, I still always enter a new school year with a solid plan. I decide on subjects that will be studied, collect books to use, and lay out a rough plan for the year. I made a video of how I use the homeschool […]