When Michelle asked me to review her Bible study journal, “For we are Known,” I was delighted. It came after a rough week of learning purposeful gratitude. I often get overwhelmed with getting things done. I have lots of ideas, lots of inspiring thoughts, and a very deep inner life, but very little of it gets shared with the outside world. I work slow and don’t have a high energy level. It was through Michelle that YHVH began teaching me that I don’t have to do it all. We all have talents to bring to the table, and when we work together as a body, everyone gets blessed. I don’t have to create a Bible study about spiritual growth when Michelle did an amazing job. We each simply do what we can, work together, build each other up, and do our best to represent our King. So, thank you Michelle, for giving me the opportunity to work through and review your book.

Michelle’s book is called ‘For We Are Known,’ and will guide you through a study of the fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5. It is a journal style study, and is designed to be filled with your notes, thoughts, insights, and of course, Scripture copywork.
What I love:
I love the topic!
The fruit of the Spirit is an excellent place for us to hang out and park for awhile. I firmly believe that we need to consciously work on our character and our spiritual growth. We need to be honest with ourselves, and improve our weak areas. This study helped me to see some weak areas in my own life that I need to work on. The combination of verses and the Hebrew word studies helped me to see deeper into each of the fruits and how they should look in my everyday life. Since there’s lots of room to write, I can see adding thoughts down the road as well.
It’s open-ended!
Michelle is not spoon feeding you. She sends you on more of a scavenger hunt through Scripture to see connections and different angles to the same idea. She gets you started and turns you loose. I found the verses she chose very enlightening and helpful.
Scripture copywork!
You know how much I believe in Scripture copywork. This study is full of it. There are several passages for each fruit for you to copy right in the book. Since she gives ample space, I found it helpful to note any insights after I copied the verse.
Hebrew roots of the words.
She encourages you to understand the meaning of the words in the original language. You will want access to a good Hebrew dictionary for this. I found that words often looked very different in the original language than they do in our current society.
Michelle shares a bit of herself, her struggles, her tears, and her desire to grow spiritually. She is like a friend joining you on the journey to live out the fruits better in your own life. There’s no puffed up pretense here, just a sincere woman desiring to encourage others.
I was blessed by this study and I hope you will travel through it as well. You can get a spiral bound or digital copy at her site, or a paper back copy at Amazon. Tell her I sent you!
Disclosure: I received a copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review. My opinions and thoughts are my own. Some links may be affiliate, where I receive a small percentage of the sale, and your cost remains the same.
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