Nehemiah and the many people building with him had managed to build the wall up to half its height. But now the trouble came. Please take the time to read Nehemiah ch. 4. People began to jeer and mock. They called the job impossible. They laughed at Nehemiah’s efforts. They even gathered together to fight against Nehemiah.
You have been working to build your home. Perhaps you are working to create routine, or a tidier home. Perhaps you are focusing on raising your children in Torah, or are working to solve a financial problem. You have prayed and sought help. You have planned and implemented that plan. You are finally starting to feel like you are making progress.
But then an attack comes.
Perhaps someone you know laughs at your efforts. Perhaps you see pictures of homes on pinterest that make you want to throw in the towel. Perhaps you are getting resistance from others in your family. The worst attack may actually come from you, though. You may begin to feel discouraged. You may decide that the effort just isn’t worth it. You may feel that everyone else is doing a better job. Or you may think that living in chaos is good enough for everyone else, so it must be good enough for you.
This is the hard part of trying to follow YHVH in your calling. Remember that you have been gifted with the ability to build your home. YHVH has given you everything you need to rise above the mundane.
This is the point where you go back to the beginning. Nehemiah went directly to YHVH and sought counsel, and this is exactly what you need to do.
When you feel discouraged or attacked, go back to the first Nehemiah post and read it again. Start where Nehemiah did, and seek the face of your Heavenly Father. You can find all the previous posts here:
Once you have done that, set up defenses against future attacks, just as Nehemiah did. Identify where your struggles originated. Did you get discouraged by looking at articles or pictures on the internet? Don’t go there again. You already know that they will discourage you, so don’t go there. Are there certain people that are discouraging you? Be polite, but don’t confide in them. They are not building you up and encouraging you to do right. Are you discouraging yourself? Look up some verses that remind you of YHVH’s help and deliverance. Print them out and post them where you will see them every day. Remember that you are trying to build your home! You are trying to rise above a mediocre existence and create a beautiful uplifting environment where your family can flourish. This is worth fighting for!
This week, take the time to regroup. Go back to prayer. Seek YHVH’s face once again. Identify your attackers, and set up your defenses. You can do this! You can build your home!
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