Anointing your home as a family

Why anoint your home? The home is the center of our family life. I love how Brad Scott would describe Scripture as being all about a man, a woman, a house, and a piece of land. The tagline of Torah Family Living is ‘helping you make Torah the heart of your home.’ The home is […]
The Importance of Family Bible Study

I would like to speak from my heart today. We have been working really hard to have an evening Bible study time together as a family every night. We have learned a lot about being faithful and consistent, about learning together, and about the Bible. Today I want to share with you some of what […]
Bible journaling – Psalm 19:7-10

Welcome to our Bible journaling series! Have you been following along? Today’s journal page features Psalm 19:7-10. The law of YHVH is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of YHVH is sure, making wise the simple; the precepts of YHVH are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of YHVH is pure, enlightening the eyes; the […]
Teaching our children to fess up

We recently had a little event that gave ample opportunity to apply Torah principles. One of my children, which asked to remain nameless, broke a drill bit belonging to Doug. She came to me and showed me the broken drill bit, not knowing what to do. She was very sorry, and I saw the opportunity […]
Intro to Bible Journaling

I sometimes struggle to know what to do when I’m reading my Bible. I want to do more than just read it, but I don’t always have the time or inclination to do a full study either. I wanted a system where I could apply some truths, and have an enjoyable, creative experience. I developed […]
Passover snapshots

We had a wonderful Passover seder this year! We were able to gather with family and a new friend. Here are some Passover snapshots from our seder. I wanted to get more, but I was busy enjoying the time. 🙂 Doug helping the kiddos The tables were set in a big square, nice touch for […]

I don’t share all my life details and struggles online. I’m sure you don’t either. Some struggles are kept deep inside. We may not be prepared for the possibility of criticism or judgment, so we keep our struggles hidden. But there is One who understands. We are safe in His arms, and we don’t have […]
Time with Yeshua – Birth of Yeshua

Join us as we explore the life of Yeshua! Each lesson will include verses to read, discussion questions, and some sort of activity, like a coloring page. 🙂 Enjoy! Birth of Yeshua Bible verses Matthew 1:18-25 Luke 2:1-7 Discussion questions Who were Yeshua’s earthly parents? What tribe did Joseph come from? Why was it important […]
Shavuot 2014

Hello, everyone! Did you enjoy celebrating Shavuot? We had a rare treat of being able to meet several other Torah keeping families. I thought it would be fun to share some pictures with you. Here’s Gramps and Marmee (my parents) enjoying some time with Caleb. Our lovely and very delicious challah bread, prepared by our […]
Building our homes–Lessons from Nehemiah ch. 3

Nehemiah had surveyed the wall. He was prepared for the opposition. Now it was time to build. But Nehemiah did not do it alone. Each gate or section of the wall was built by a separate group or family. Each group worked at the same time so that the wall grew in record time. The […]
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