Rubber boot homeschool week #7

homeschool spontaneity

This week I would like to write about spontaneity. Homeschooling is a beautiful thing, because it allows for spontaneity. We are commanded to teach our children when they rise up, when they lie down, when they walk in the way. Torah is what we are to teach, but as I have been learning, Torah touches […]

Outside my sukkah

Here is a picture of our sukkah from the outside. Isn’t it picturesque? Wouldn’t you love to spend a week there? Can you picture cups of cocoa, a flickering campfire, Scripture studies, songs, and fellowship? But as you walk down the hill and get a little closer, you will hear a baby crying, sore cranky […]

Off to Sukkot!

It’s that time of year again. We are very anxious to get out to our Sukkah again! This is our fifth year keeping the Feast of Tabernacles. It is really hard to believe that we have been blessed by the truths of Torah for that long. We have grown in many ways, and have discovered […]

Sadie’s Stories – a time of discoveries

This is a difficult post for me to write and also an important one. There are sometimes confusing moments in our parenting journey. We wonder how we got where we are. We have to face hard truths. And when we do, we discover rare beauties that we were missing. As you will remember from a […]

The Power of a wife


We women do not often realize the great power we have in our role as wives. The home rises and falls on the woman. The tone and atmosphere is set by her. The spiritual compass is often in her head. The ability to influence and build up her husband lies squarely on her shoulders. She […]

Feast of Tabernacles 2010

As promised, some pictures of our sukkah! Daddy with Naomi and Sadie in front of our sukkah. We hung pine branches on the walls which the goats ate with great satisfaction. Our outdoor campfire, which kept us from being asphixiated by smoke in the sukkah.  Yeah! The girls strolling across the hayfield in a rather […]