10 days of heart issues – Let go of some stuff

Let go of some stuff What does that have to do with heart issues? Well, a lot! All that stuff which you are so blessed to possess actually affects you in a very deep way. You clean it and sort it and organize it and fret when it isn’t organized and cry when it gets […]
When the washer breaks
My dryer broke awhile back, and I was without a dryer for several months. I got very good at drying my clothes even on rainy or winter days. I sometimes use my dryer, but I am very thankful for the skills and setup needed to dry my clothes without electricity. But somehow, it never occurred […]
Decluttering is a sacrifice

I just put 5 more trash bags in Doug’s truck, all full of clothes to donate. We went through the boy’s room this morning. Right after breakfast, I began by pulling all the clothes out into the living room. We sorted it into piles and then Isaac began helping me go through his clothes. He […]
Torah home management – decluttering

I live in the year 2012. I have 1700 sq ft in the main part of my home. I have a basement and a garage. I have outbuildings. I have succeeded in filling them up with stuff. It’s my fault. I didn’t throw away the pens that didn’t work. They didn’t seem like trash. I […]
Our schoolroom

It’s a new year, and I decided it was about time to reclaim the office. It had become a dumping ground for everything that we didn’t want in the living room. And the living room has its own problems. I have a table in the living room where I keep track of all our bills, […]
Torah home management – routine

I thought I had a great idea. Why not write about what Torah has to say about home management, and specifically routine? I already wrote some posts about Torah parenting, and even some books. Surely Torah has something to say about how we run our homes, too. Little did I know the post would end […]
I was recently accused of being stereotypical. I accept that “insult.” In our house, Daddy does certain jobs, and Mommy does certain jobs. Daddy defends the home, protects us, guides us, earns the paycheck to support us. Mommy does the majority of the cooking, cleans the house, and teaches the kids. We do the jobs […]
I dye daily
That used to be a very true statement. I used to have a knitting and dying online business. I had yarn in the dyepot almost everyday. Those days came to an end when I started homeschooling. I knew I couldn’t do both. But I was recently asked to dye some yarn for a previous customer, […]
My new game
My mind has been going a bit deep lately. I’ve been completely engulfed in trying to learn who YHVH is and how to trust Him for everything. He is slowly showing Himself to me and He is ever faithful. But I still live on this planet, and I thought I’d make my ever important job […]
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