Creating my birth sukkah – 2

Gramma and I got quite a bit done on my birth sukkah this week! I really wanted to create the atmosphere of a tent. Also, we’re working in a garage with building materials leaning against the walls and a concrete floor. Translation: lots of things to hide. Answer: curtains! Please forgive my not so perfect […]

Creating my birth sukkah – 1

Just a warning: This post and the ones following in this series will probably only be of interest to women that are pregnant or plan to have more children. A big sorry to the rest of you, but, hey! This is where I’m at right now! Birth is one of those experiences where the more […]

Building our Homes–Lessons from Nehemiah–Introduction


Not too long ago, my daughter asked me, “Why are we here?” It’s the age old, meaning of life, purpose, wondering what our lives are really about. I have pondered this often myself. It is sometimes hard to see any purpose in life when we see ourselves eating, sleeping, and doing chores over and over […]

My top ten aspie tips

I know my blog is mostly about Torah Family Living, but asperger’s syndrome has become an integral part of our lives, and I know the same is true for many of you. We have been working with this whole asperger thing for about a year now, and have found some things that work. I hope […]

10 days of heart issues – Let go of some stuff

Let go of some stuff What does that have to do with heart issues? Well, a lot! All that stuff which you are so blessed to possess actually affects you in a very deep way. You clean it and sort it and organize it and fret when it isn’t organized and cry when it gets […]

When niddah comes to call part 2

I’m lying in a strange bed watching a romantic movie by myself crying my eyes out. Yes, niddah has come to call again. I want to feel my husband’s embrace. I want to sleep in the same bed. But I must choose. Will I choose to fulfill my physical desires? Or will I choose to […]

When the washer breaks

My dryer broke awhile back, and I was without a dryer for several months. I got very good at drying my clothes even on rainy or winter days. I sometimes use my dryer, but I am very thankful for the skills and setup needed to dry my clothes without electricity. But somehow, it never occurred […]

When niddah comes to call

              When my husband and I were engaged, we did not touch and we were never alone. The slightest brush, a tap of the foot under the table, were cherished and remembered with delight. In the absence of physical contact, we learned to communicate. We became the best of […]