May verses – Women of God

This month, we celebrate some of the amazing, godly women of Scripture. Though none of us are perfect, it is wise to learn from faithful women who have gone before us. I picked some lesser known women, some of which are very special to me. Click on the image below to download your free printable […]

April verses – growing as a believer

verse list

Are you ready for spring? It’s time for the world to come back to life and start growing and turning green. It’s time for believers to shake off their sleepiness from winter and start growing, too! This month’s verses will help each of us to mature in our faith, and start growing again. Be sure […]

March verses on Resurrection

We all know that the year starts in the spring. In Exodus 12, we learn that Passover takes place in the first month, in the spring. As we look forward to the coming warmer weather, let’s spend a month copying passages about new life and resurrection! This month, all the passages are about resurrection miracles […]

Yah is my protection verses

We need to know who our God is. We need to remind ourselves that He never changes, and we can count on Him to be what He has always been. This month, we will be copying verses about Yah’s protection. He is our shield, our fortress, our safe place. We can count on Him to […]

Creation is our faith foundation

We are told to live by faith. We are to believe in a God we cannot see and trust Him to continue to be who He claims to be. How do we do that? What is our faith based on? We live in such an uncertain world full of fraud and lies. How can we […]

Introducing our children to Yeshua

If you have a similar backstory to me, you were raised in the church and left the church to keep Torah as an adult. It has been quite a journey, am I right? When we came to the understanding that Torah still applies, it was like a whole new world opened up to us. I […]

Verses on the kingdom of heaven

This month, we will be looking at the descriptions of the kingdom of God, or the kingdom of heaven. Yeshua gave us several descriptions of the kingdom in the form of parables, so we will be copying several passages from the book of Matthew. Click the image below to download your free printable, which includes […]

Yah is good verses to copy

It’s been a rocky week. My industrial laminator stopped heating back on Wednesday, and it must have been the straw that broke the camel’s back. I sat there and cried and cried, ugly tears. Doug tried to help me fix it, but we ended up having to order a new one. Meanwhile I had multiple […]

Developing a Bible study habit

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33 ESV Spending time in your Bible and in prayer serves to build your relationship with Yah, and it should be a priority in your day. Here are some tips to help you develop a […]

Rest for the weary verses

Have you ever just felt so tired that you felt you couldn’t go on. Sometimes we work very hard and our bodies just can’t keep moving. Sometimes we have several issues we are dealing with, and we feel emotionally tired. We don’t feel energized and ready to go all the time. That’s okay! Sabbath was […]