A peek at one of my prep days
Have you ever felt like prep day is the hardest, most tiring and busiest day of the week? You are not alone. When we try to do the right thing (keep Shabbat), we will be attacked. But we need to keep at it, pull out our sense of humor, and just do our best to […]
Keeping Torah isn’t enough

After my seventh child, Caleb, was born, I found myself in a very dark place emotionally. I had never experienced “baby blues” or whatever you want to call it, but I sure had it this time. I wanted to crawl in a hole away from the world. I felt like a failure. I felt lonely. […]
Worship from an 8 year old

We’ve been working on developing some good habits lately. Many times we get a good thing in place and something happens to throw us off. With pregnancy and a newborn to care for, daily Bible study had become a thing of the past. So, we have been working very hard to make sure we study […]
Shavuot 2014

Hello, everyone! Did you enjoy celebrating Shavuot? We had a rare treat of being able to meet several other Torah keeping families. I thought it would be fun to share some pictures with you. Here’s Gramps and Marmee (my parents) enjoying some time with Caleb. Our lovely and very delicious challah bread, prepared by our […]
Shabbat Snacks

Why is it that on Shabbat, everyone is hungry? This post will hopefully help you fill those incredible rumbly little tummies when you can’t prepare a full meal. Here are some snacks that we like to enjoy on Shabbat. cheese and crackers fruit muffins ants on logs (celery sticks with peanut butter and raisins) […]

Shavuot is coming soon! How will you be celebrating this year? Shavuot is a celebration of the wheat harvest, and is a wonderful opportunity to show YHVH your gratefulness for all His blessings. Here are some ideas to help you in your celebration. Celebrate outside! What a wonderful way to connect with YHVH’s blessings! Rejoice […]

(This post was originally published January, 2012. We hope it is a blessing to you this year, too.) We are part way through the winter months and it is exciting to think that the spring feasts will soon be upon us. We are already making preparations for Passover this year. I would like to take […]
Jonathon’s Story – part 3

The story continues… I began loading the donkeys again. I was getting good at that. But unlike our trip to Jerusalem, I was very excited about this trip. We were going to nearby Gophna. There was a smaller number of soldiers there. We had one goal. Remove the enemy, and help the people begin following […]
Jonathon’s Story – part 1

Our tale of the Maccabees begins…. My name is Jonathan. I have four brothers, Simeon, Eleazar, Joannan, and Judas. When I was young, terrible times came to our people. We were told we could no longer obey the precious Torah of our fathers. A strong and mighty, but desperately wicked king named Antiochus Epiphanies […]

Our home is in full gear getting ready for Chanukah. We are planning the treats we will make and counting down the days. There has been some controversy about Chanukah because it is not listed as a biblical feast. The “miracle” of the oil cannot be substantiated with historical evidence. The nine candle menorah is […]
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