Yom Kippur 2012
This has been an amazing feast season so far. Doug said it best when he said, “There’s just a good spirit here.” This is our sixth time through the feasts, but each time is so different. Leading up to Yom Kippur, I was able to have some wonderful discussions with friends online about how to […]
The Jewish Wedding – mikvahs
This is an excerpt from Jewish Roots mini books – The Jewish Wedding. Written by Evonne Mandella Her nerves are rattled, but happily so. Her day is coming…the day! She is to be married to her love. She must prepare! She enters the mikvah, the ritual immersion, which comes just before the ceremony. Every fingernail is […]
Sukkot, the feast of vulnerability

Sukkot is a mere 2 weeks away. What is the point? What is this feast about? How will we serve our Elohim this year? My vision is that we join together as one people serving the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I don’t care what your sukkah is built of. I don’t care if […]
Yom Teruah

And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, “Speak to the people of Israel, saying, In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall observe a day of solemn rest, a memorial proclaimed with blast of trumpets, a holy convocation. You shall not do any ordinary work, and you shall present a […]
Shabbat activities – scavenger hunt

Enjoy some warm weather fun with your family. Have an outdoor scavenger hunt! Work on the list all together or split up into teams. Have fun! Look for pinecone feather flower bark water bird squirrel stick pretty rock fern something red something smooth something prickly something shiny something loud something soft something manmade something beautiful […]
Judah and Ephraim

Judah has protected and cherished the Torah for thousands of years. Every Shabbat they gather to hear the Torah and kiss the scroll as it passes. To teach their children the Torah, they have developed beautiful traditions such as the candle lighting on Friday nights. They have hid in basements and caves and attics during […]
10 days of heart issues–Study Psalm 119
Study Psalm 119 In the way of your testimonies I delight as much as in all riches. (Psa 119:14) Why study Psalm 119? Because as you learn more of Torah, you learn more of YHVH. As you delight in His righteous rules, you delight in Him. Psalm 119 hardly misses a verse without mentioning His […]
Mount Sinai cake for Shavuot

I saw this idea for a Mount Sinai cake on Pinterest and just had to try my own version. Mine is much more rustic and much less frosting (well, no frosting). We started with a brownie base and stacked banana muffins on top of it. The muffins were baked in tuna fish cans (minus the […]
How do I homeschool Torah?

“Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall […]
What about tzitziyot?

I was recently asked about tzitziyot by a reader. What do they mean? Should women wear them? These are excellent questions, but before I answer them, I’d like to give a brief explanation of where I’m coming from. We have been on this Torah keeping, Hebrew roots journey for 5 1/2 years. In that time, […]
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