Kid friendly niddah laws?

Ok, you might have noticed that we made it to the middle of Leviticus. You know, that part that talks about childbirth and leprosy and all that good stuff. Are you going to read it to your kids, or skip it? Well, I would encourage you to tackle it, but before you do, I’ll share […]
My First Torah – Shemini
Shemini Leviticus 9:1-11:47 Click here to learn more about My First Torah. Click here to download the illustrated printable PDF. Moses began teaching Aaron and his sons about their jobs as priests. First, Aaron learned how to give an offering. He took a bull and a ram. The people also brought animals for […]
The wonder of the feasts

Keeping the feasts is such a delight. We have the opportunity to teach our children the wonders of our Creator. We can show them the mighty works that He has done. We point the way to the future when He will bring us home to Israel. But somewhere along the way, the wonder has […]
My First Torah – Vayikra
Vayikra Leviticus 1:1-5:26 Click here to learn more about My First Torah. Click here to download the illustrated printable PDF. YHVH gives us a way to have a friendship with Him. We have a friendship with YHVH through the tabernacle. The tabernacle belongs to YHVH. We follow His rules in the tabernacle. We […]
Have you judged someone today?

Edited to add: Please read to the end for the rest of the story. YHVH is indeed faithful. It could be like coffee for some people, the need to judge other people’s motives and actions. It’s an important job really! We need to determine in our hearts what is wrong with other people, so we […]
The prophecy game

Prophecy can be a fascinating topic of discussion. My husband often reads news articles and ponders how they could relate to prophecy. We believe YHVH has led us to prepare our family in certain ways for the days ahead. But you may have noticed that Torah Family Living has a definite lack of anything prophecy […]
My First Torah – Ki Tisa
Ki Tisa Exodus 30:11-34:35 Click here to learn more about My First Torah. Click here to download the illustrated printable PDF. Moses stayed up on Mount Sinai as he listened to YHVH’s instructions about the tabernacle and the priests. He learned about how each man was to give half a shekel of money […]
My First Torah – Tetzaveh
Tetzaveh Exodus 27:20-30:10 Click here to learn more about My First Torah. Click here to download the illustrated printable PDF. Moses was instructed to make his brother Aaron a priest. Aaron would do all the jobs in the tabernacle, with the help of his sons. They would offer sacrifices on the altar. They would […]
The seat for Elijah
Every year at Passover, we set an extra place at the table for Elijah. During the seder, we go to the door and call for Elijah to join us. What if someone was on the other side of the door? What would I do? What if it wasn’t Elijah, but Yahshua knocking on my door? […]
Humble thyself

“As for me and my house, we will serve YHVH.” What does that mean? It means I will love what He loves. I will do what He says. I will accept what He brings into my life, and what He takes away. I will humble myself before Him, for He is far greater than me. […]
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