A little tour


Many of you are joining us more recently. I’m so glad you are here. I thought I’d take you on a quick tour so that you know what is available to you here. First, I’d like to point out that I do all I can to make the resources available for free. I do this […]

Spiritual Sabbaths

I have begun my preparations for this week’s Sabbath. I worked diligently throughout the week, so most jobs would already be done. I set up my baking projects for tomorrow by soaking flour and setting out ingredients. I put in the second to last load of laundry for the week. I have a pile of […]

Torah home management – decluttering

I live in the year 2012. I have 1700 sq ft in the main part of my home. I have a basement and a garage. I have outbuildings. I have succeeded in filling them up with stuff. It’s my fault. I didn’t throw away the pens that didn’t work. They didn’t seem like trash. I […]

Shabbat Shalom!

Shabbat Shalom! Welcome to the simple, peaceful beauty of Shabbat. May you be blessed in a special way today as you enter into YHVH’s rest.

Who is your God?

I worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He is the God who parted the Red Sea to save his people Israel. He promised Israel a land all their own. He keeps the seventh day Shabbat. He shows many signs and wonders and miracles. He keeps His promises. He sent His Son to show […]

Vayigash resources


Here are some wonderful resources to help you share Torah with your family and children. This week’s Torah portion is Vayigash: Genesis 44:18-47:27.  Torah School post with great resources for teaching Vayigash in your homeschool. My First Torah Vayigash – a beginner reader version of the portion El Shaddai ministries – listen to a teaching […]

Am I a miracle?

  Isn’t it amazing how a simple song can speak to my heart in such a profound way? YHVH is a God of miracles. He did such incredible things for the Maccabees and everyone else in Scripture for that matter. Is He still the same God? Does He still work miracles? I actually remember being […]

Miketz resources

Here are some wonderful resources to help you share Torah with your family and children. This week’s Torah portion is Miketz: Genesis 41:1-44:17.  Torah School post with great resources for teaching Miketz in your homeschool. My First Torah Miketz – a beginner reader version of the portion El Shaddai ministries – listen to a teaching […]

Vayeshev resources


Here are some wonderful resources to help you share Torah with your family and children. This week’s Torah portion is Vayeshev: Genesis 37:1-40:23.  Torah School post with great resources for teaching Vayeshev in your homeschool. My First Torah Vayeshev – a beginner reader version of the portion El Shaddai ministries – listen to a teaching […]

Vayishlach resources

Here are some wonderful resources to help you share Torah with your family and children. This week’s Torah portion is Vayishlach: Genesis 32:4-36:43.  Torah School post with great resources for teaching Vayishlach in your homeschool. My First Torah Vayishlach – a beginner reader version of the portion El Shaddai ministries – listen to a teaching […]