Psalm 37:6 Hebrew word study

Psalm 37:6And he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday.Tsedeq – righteous – This is the idea of behaving right, walking a straight path, and performing justice. Ore – light – Refers to light that brings brightness and order, enabling you to see where things are, etc. Mishpat […]

Torah School copywork

Just a quick note to let you know some more Torah copywork is available for you.  It will also have a link in the proper Torah portion over at Torah School.  If there is something else in the copywork lessons that you would find helpful, please let me know.  I’ll see what I can do.  […]

My Little Torah Books

Yeah!  The next My Little Torah Book is ready!  Holly and I have worked long and hard on these drawings.  She loves to draw and has such a good time doing it.  I hope you and your children enjoy this little book.  It is all about YHVH’s creation, particularly the people in a little child’s […]

Psalm 37:4 Hebrew word study

(Psa 37:4) Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Anag – Delight- This is a rather surprising word. It gives an image of luxurious softness and pure pleasure. Picture sinking into soft satin sheets and being waited on. This is the type of pleasure we should get […]

Walking out the Word printable

I want to introduce another printable I just finished.  This series is called “Walking out the Word.”  Each set addresses one command in the torah and gives kids lots of hands on ways to understand and practice it.  The first in the series is about wearing tassels.  It has bible studies, coloring pages, hands on […]

My Little Torah Books

I would like to introduce my latest project.  It’s a series of printable books that you can make up and use as another way to teach Torah to your little ones.  Little kids will enjoy having mommy or daddy read it to them, and beginning readers will enjoy reading a book all by themselves.  This […]

Positive Reflections

My Mom and I were talking about the power of our positive words.  When we speak goodness, truth, positive words, particularly Torah, the whole universe is knit together.  However, when we speak negative, hurtful words, we actually bring violence to the earth.  Storms, hurricanes, volcanoes, are the earth violently responding to the curse and our […]

The womb

Why are you having a sixth baby? How will you take care of them all? How will you feed them? How will you pay for their education? How will you give each one individual time? Are you crazy? Don’t you have any self control? Yes, I’ve heard all of these questions, many legitimate. What is […]

TV free Days of Awe

And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before YHVH. And, behold, YHVH passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before YHVH; but YHVH was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but YHVH was not in the earthquake: And after the earthquake a fire; […]

Happy Feast of Trumpets!

Wow! This must be a record for me.  Every stitch of work I can dream up is done, the bills are payed, the food is put away, the kids are bathed, and everything is ready for our Yom Teruah celebration tomorrow.  We’re just watching “Annie” while we wait for the new moon.  Tomorrow we are […]