Healing, Part 5

I have really been grappling with the connection between sin and sickness. Last week’s torah portion included Deuteronomy 28, 68 verses of blessings and cursings. If you obey you will be blessed. If you disobey, you will have miscarriages, plagues, terrible itch, boils, etc. It really makes sense when you think about it. The best […]

My new game

My mind has been going a bit deep lately.  I’ve been completely engulfed in trying to learn who YHVH is and how to trust Him for everything.  He is slowly showing Himself to me and He is ever faithful. But I still live on this planet, and I thought I’d make my ever important job […]

Healing, Part 4

My heart is very full tonight.  I had hoped this would be my last post on healing, but it is not to be.  YHVH told me to make an appointment with my OB when I began praying for healing.  I went to see her today, and fully expected her to find no scar, and be […]