
Welcome to Torah portion Vaetchanan Vaetchanan means And I pleaded. Scripture passage: Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11 Read Aloud from My First Torah Moses continued to teach the people to prepare them for going into the Promised Land. He told them that he would not be going because he had lost his temper and hit the rock. Moses […]

Welcome to Torah portion Devarim Devarim means words. Scripture passage: Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22 Read Aloud from My First Torah The Children of Israel were now by the Jordan River waiting to cross over and enter the Promised Land. Moses knew he would not be going with them. He wanted to talk to them one last time. […]
Mattot and Massei

Welcome to Torah portions Mattot and Massei Mattot means Tribes and Massei means Journeys Scripture passage: Numbers 30:2-36:13 Read Aloud from My First Torah YHVH always does what He says. He expects us to always do what we say. He has special rules for women. When a young girl makes a promise, she must keep […]

Welcome to Torah portion Pinchas Pinchas means Phinehas Scripture passage: Numbers 25:10-30:1 Read Aloud from My First Torah Phinehas did the right thing by killing the wicked people in the camp. Because he obeyed YHVH, YHVH made a covenant with him and his descendants. They would always serve as priests. Since much time had passed, […]

Welcome to Torah portion Balak Balak means Balak 🙂 Scripture passage: Numbers 22:2-25:9 Read Aloud from My First Torah The Children of Israel camped near Moab. Balak, the king of Moab, and all the Moabites were very fearful of Israel. So Balak sent a message to Balaam, asking him to curse Israel, so they would […]

Welcome to Torah portion Chukat Chukat means Statute Scripture passage: Numbers 19:1-22:1 Read Aloud from My First Torah YHVH had explained to the people that some things make a person unclean, like touching a dead body. Touching a dead body was not sinful, but the person needed to be cleaned before they could approach the […]

Welcome to Torah portion Korach Korach means Korah Scripture passage: Numbers 16:1-18:32 Read Aloud from My First Torah YHVH kept showing the Children of Israel how to obey. But some of them still chose to disobey. Korah, from the tribe of Levi, gathered 250 men and went to speak against Moses and Aaron. They thought […]

Welcome to Torah portion Shelach Shelach means Send Scripture passage: Numbers 13:1-15:41 Read Aloud from My First Torah YHVH had the people send twelve spies into the Promised Land, one from each tribe. They were told to go up into the hills. They needed to find out what the land was like, where the people […]
Why do I keep Torah?

I’ve never written a post like this before, since I have always assumed that people who find my site already know to keep Torah. My job is to help them teach their children, and see the implications of keeping Torah in everyday family life. But, I have realized that, at some point, we each need […]

Welcome to Torah portion Behaalotcha Behaalotcha means When you set up Scripture passage: Numbers 8:1-12:16 Read Aloud from My First Torah After the Israelites had been out of Egypt a whole year, YHVH reminded them that it was time to celebrate the Passover again. They kept the Passover on the fourteenth day of the first […]
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