The Importance of Family Bible Study

I would like to speak from my heart today. We have been working really hard to have an evening Bible study time together as a family every night. We have learned a lot about being faithful and consistent, about learning together, and about the Bible. Today I want to share with you some of what […]
10 Great Things to do this Shabbat

Shabbat is the best day of the week! We have worked hard for six days, and then it is time to rest. It’s time to set aside the cares of the world and spend time with YHVH and our families. But how should we spend the day? Here are ten great ideas to have a […]
Scripture on your doorpost

YHVH wants us to surround and immerse ourselves with His instructions. With obedience to His commands comes great blessings. But we are feeble humans, and if we are not constantly reminded of His Word, we will soon forget. So, we are commanded to post Scripture on the doorposts of our home. Hear, O Israel: YHVH […]
Ten commandments activity

In the Torah portion Yitro (Exodus 18:1-20:23), we look at the ten commandments. If we can faithfully obey these, we have made excellent strides in obeying YHVH. It is definitely true that the two greatest commandments are to love YHVH, and love your neighbor. He said unto him, What is written in the law? how […]
Red Sea diorama

The Torah portion Beshalach tells us the amazing story of the parting of the Red Sea. This is the miracle that all other miracles are compared to. We have an awesome project for your children to do for this Torah portion. So gather some cardboard, construction paper, glue and imagination, and we’ll get started. As […]
Secret message to do list
Prep day usually involves a lot of chores and a rather long list of jobs to do. It does at my house. So I’m always trying to invent new ways to keep the chores fun and get everyone involved. On every other day, the kids are required to simply do their chores because they are […]
What kind of light am I?

We are supposed to be a light to the nations, drawing them to YHVH and His wonderful Torah. We should be like a candle in the window, beckoning travelers to come in and get refreshed. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is […]
Simple everyday flatbread

This is my go to flat bread recipe. We use it for bread, pizza, burger buns, etc. It’s simple, straightforward and very versatile. Flat bread recipe 4 cups flour (I use a combination of white and wheat) 2 tsp salt 1 1/2 cups water 2 TBS olive oil Mix the dry ingredients together in a […]
Prep day checklist

Here are some helpful reminders to help you get everything ready for Shabbat, because no one wants to remember the wet load of laundry in the middle of a relaxing and refreshing Shabbat. Have you… 1 taken care of the laundry, particularly the wet stuff? I make sure I have clean diapers every Friday and […]
Prep day tips

Here are a few tips to help you with your prep day tasks. 1 Use paper plates. Right now, my kitchen is clean. However, that can quickly change. I can end the day with a clean kitchen if I don’t keep dirtying dishes. We also use paper on Shabbat. To save money, we reuse them […]
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