Continuing the Exodus story Scripture copywork

We just finished celebrating Purim, and are journeying towards Passover. The feast seasons are always exciting times, but my husband and I both agree that there is something special about this year. YHVH is working in the world right now like we have never seen in our lifetimes. We are seeing people of great faith […]
Free Scripture copywork verses for January

It’s that time again! Are you ready for another month of verses for reading, studying, and copying? You can download the free printable verse list along with matching journal pages by clicking on the image or the button below. I hope you enjoy the graphics. I thought we could all use a bit of green […]
The Container principle

Do you have any empty shelves in your kitchen cabinets right now? The answer is a big – probably not! Do you know why? Because it’s human nature for us to fill containers up, and when we fill a container, we tend to get another container. That’s why we tend to fill our cabinets, our […]
When life has storms…

I planned to write a post about the current climate and how confused we all feel… But, I decided that my words really aren’t all that important. I have days where I feel scared and overwhelmed and not too terribly sure which end is up. My thoughts and feelings are too volatile to be of […]
Torah Family Living Planner

We all want to remember everything we are supposed to do and show up for everyday. Our poor brains sometimes have a hard time. Some people use digital methods to keep track of everything. Personally, I get tired of my battery dying, or something going wrong with technology. So, I still use an old-fashioned paper […]
A praise and YHVH’s provisions

I’m very protective of my prep days. I’m a one event per day kind of person, and getting ready for Shabbat is my one event for the day. I made a list with 22 items. I crossed off three, and sat down to eat some edible creation that Holly had fixed for me. “Mom, my […]
Where have you been?

Yes, I know. I haven’t been around much lately. But I feel that I’m starting to settle in to the rhythm of this season of my life. So, here’s a little peek at what’s been going at our house lately. Gramma (Doug’s mom) is spending her second winter with us. Caleb is heading strong towards […]

I don’t share all my life details and struggles online. I’m sure you don’t either. Some struggles are kept deep inside. We may not be prepared for the possibility of criticism or judgment, so we keep our struggles hidden. But there is One who understands. We are safe in His arms, and we don’t have […]
An encouraging word
Good morning everyone! I just want to encourage you today with two thoughts. First, Torah is a book of action. So, let’s get ourselves in motion. What needs your attention today? Is it the dirty dishes? Go do them! Is it schoolwork with the kids? Go give it your best. And remember to do it […]
Time with Yeshua – Yeshua’s baptism

Join us as we explore the life of Yeshua! Each lesson will include verses to read, discussion questions, and some sort of activity, like a coloring page. 🙂 Enjoy! Yeshua’s baptism Bible verses Matthew 3:13-17 Mark 1:9-11 Luke 3:21-23 John 1:29-30 Discussion questions Who is John the Baptist? How is he connected with Yeshua? What […]
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