Looking for a simple way to incorporate some Scripture and simple learning into your homeschool? These worksheets and resources are just the thing. The worksheets can be downloaded by simply clicking on the image. They have a verse for copywork, and some simple science or history related activities to go with the verse. I have also included links to additional coloring pages, videos, and activities that will go along with the verse.
All verses are from the Webster Bible, translated by Noah Webster in 1833, and part of the public domain.
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31
Character lesson
Read Isaiah 40:28-31
Many things in life are hard and can make us tired. Hard chores, sickness, or having to wait for something for a very long time can make us feel weary. But YHVH promises that when we are most tired, He will give us the strength we need to keep going. When we can’t do things on our own, He promises to help us.

Today’s worksheet includes Isaiah 40:31 to copy, as well as bird identification. Be sure to have a bird field guide handy, or use a website such as:
Further learning
Find lots of homeschool books at our used bookstore here.
Today’s focus is on birds, flight, and specifically eagles.

Let’s learn more about eagles! Look at their impressive wing span and how empowering flight is. That is the feeling that YHVH gives us precisely when we are tired.
Pick a realistic eagle coloring page at supercoloring.com.
Humans have marveled at flight for centuries. Though we can’t fly in our own power, we have inventive machines that enable us to take to the skies. One of the most famous flights is the first flight of the Wright Brothers. You can learn more here.
If your children have found these topics interesting, be sure to investigate further. When we are enjoying the subject material, tons and tons of learning is taking place.
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