One of the top ways that satan attacks us as Torah keepers is convincing us that Yeshua is not the promised Messiah. This is extremely dangerous ground, so we will be spending an entire month looking at passages about Yeshua. I encourage you to not only study the passages I found, but continue to look for more passages about the promised Messiah.
We follow a risen Savior. Be sure to build a solid foundation of Biblical understanding on the Messiah.
You can download your free verse list and matching journal pages by clicking the image below. If you attend a local Torah fellowship, consider printing several copies of the verse list page and sharing them with your local group. We started taking a stack of the verse lists with us to Shabbat meetings, and they have been very popular.

My Time with Adonai journal (butterfly)$32.00
Scripture copywork books, choose your title$7.00
Monthly copywork book subscription$8.00 / month
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