Looking for a simple way to incorporate some Scripture and simple learning into your homeschool? These worksheets and resources are just the thing. The worksheets can be downloaded by simply clicking on the image. They have a verse for copywork, and some simple science or history related activities to go with the verse. I have also included links to additional coloring pages, videos, and activities that will go along with the verse. Today’s lesson is all about Psalm 1.
All verses are from the Webster Bible, translated by Noah Webster in 1833, and part of the public domain.

Psalm 1
Happy is the one who has not walked in the advice of the wicked, nor stood in the way of sinners, nor sat in the seat of scoffers.
But his delight is in the Torah of Adonai, and on His Torah he meditates day and night.
He will be like a planted tree over streams of water, producing its fruit during its season. Its leaf never droops- but in all he does, he succeeds.
Psalm 1:1-3 TLV
Character lesson
Start by reading all of Psalm 1 in your choice of translation. Today’s passage helps us to understand the definition of true success. The person that YHVH describes as successful is not necessarily rich or famous. Rather, he has chosen to make his decisions based on Torah, not other people’s opinions.
I remember hearing a story about a barrel of apples when I was young. If you have a barrel full of fresh, beautiful apples, and throw a rotten one in, the barrel will go rotten. But, if you have a barrel of rotten apples and throw a fresh one in, the apples don’t turn fresh. It’s the same with people. The bad ones tend to influence the good ones, not the other way around. We need to choose carefully who we listen to and spend time with. We should be kind to all, but we should measure carefully who we hang out with, or take advice from. Those closest to us should encourage us to keep Torah and follow Yeshua.
A truly successful person is also known for filling their minds and days with Torah. You should be reading Scripture each day, thinking about it, and looking for ways to better obey YHVH. That’s what it means to meditate. We fill our thoughts with it.

Do you need help bringing Torah into your school day? It can be challenging to know where to start or how to teach your children. That’s why I created Torah Learning Made Simple, my method for teaching Torah alongside other school subjects.
Resources for studying Scripture
- My Bible Study notebook
- My Time with Adonai journal
- My First Torah
- Bible journal printable with quirky animals
Today’s worksheet will have you copying Psalm 1:2, learning about local tree species, and learning about tree products.
Further learning
Find lots of homeschool books at our used bookstore here.
Trees are a very important part of the water cycle. Learn about the important elements of the water cycle in this short video.
Each region has native trees. Take some time to learn about the trees in your area, and then watch this video on trees native to Israel.
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