Spiritual Sabbaths

I have begun my preparations for this week’s Sabbath.

I worked diligently throughout the week, so most jobs would already be done.

I set up my baking projects for tomorrow by soaking flour and setting out ingredients.

I put in the second to last load of laundry for the week.

I have a pile of clean laundry ready for the kids to help me sort in the morning.

I have paid the last bills so I can enter Shabbat with a clear mind.

My living room and kitchen are in ship shape.

Now I wonder how I can prepare my heart.

How can I make this Sabbath an important one for my family?

I begin by praying for each family member. I ask that they will truly have a heart for the Father and for His Torah. I pray that they will mature spiritually. I ask for deliverance from the selfishness that always seems to creep in.

I will play music during the day tomorrow, to help us focus on the Shabbat that will quickly be upon us.

I make purposeful plans for Shabbat. What can we read from Scripture? Is there a teaching we can listen to or watch? Can I print something off to help the children stay focused but happily occupied?

I read the Torah portion to myself one more time, to be prepared to share it with our children.

I thank YHVH for the blessing of Shabbat, and head to bed. Tomorrow I will continue to prepare, and rest in Shabbat when it comes.

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter so much how well prepared I am, but if I respond in a way that is pleasing to YHVH. May He be pleased in my preparations and my rest.


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