Yom Teruah

And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, “Speak to the people of Israel, saying, In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall observe a day of solemn rest, a memorial proclaimed with blast of trumpets, a holy convocation. You shall not do any ordinary work, and you shall present a […]

Time for a shofar, shofar for a time

This is a reprint of an article from Torah family e-magazine. Enjoy! Time for a Shofar, Shofar for a Time by Jack Waid   I don’t claim to be an “expert” on any subject, especially when discussing issues from the scriptures. However, I do claim to have an understanding of one subject and it is […]

Shabbat activities – scavenger hunt


Enjoy some warm weather fun with your family. Have an outdoor scavenger hunt! Work on the list all together or split up into teams. Have fun! Look for pinecone feather flower bark water bird squirrel stick pretty rock fern something red something smooth something prickly something shiny something loud something soft something manmade something beautiful […]

Mount Sinai cake for Shavuot

I saw this idea for a Mount Sinai cake on Pinterest and just had to try my own version. Mine is much more rustic and much less frosting (well, no frosting). We started with a brownie base and stacked banana muffins on top of it. The muffins were baked in tuna fish cans (minus the […]

The wonder of the feasts


  Keeping the feasts is such a delight. We have the opportunity to teach our children the wonders of our Creator. We can show them the mighty works that He has done. We point the way to the future when He will bring us home to Israel. But somewhere along the way, the wonder has […]

Prep day prep talk

preparation day

I find myself talking about prep day alot lately. Many of you are new to this whole idea of keeping Torah. I’m so proud of you for leaving what you knew and embarking on this journey, not always knowing what will lie ahead. I hope I can be a bit of encouragement to you today. […]

Spiritual Sabbaths

I have begun my preparations for this week’s Sabbath. I worked diligently throughout the week, so most jobs would already be done. I set up my baking projects for tomorrow by soaking flour and setting out ingredients. I put in the second to last load of laundry for the week. I have a pile of […]

Am I a miracle?

  Isn’t it amazing how a simple song can speak to my heart in such a profound way? YHVH is a God of miracles. He did such incredible things for the Maccabees and everyone else in Scripture for that matter. Is He still the same God? Does He still work miracles? I actually remember being […]

Outside my sukkah

Here is a picture of our sukkah from the outside. Isn’t it picturesque? Wouldn’t you love to spend a week there? Can you picture cups of cocoa, a flickering campfire, Scripture studies, songs, and fellowship? But as you walk down the hill and get a little closer, you will hear a baby crying, sore cranky […]

Thoughts on the Days of Awe

My life is made up of minutes.Each minute I use costs me part of my life.How did I use those minutes?Did I waste them on silliness, or selfishness, or wishful thinking?Or did I make a difference in the lives of those around me?Did I share a smile?Did I offer a drink of water?Did I patiently […]