Am I a miracle?

  Isn’t it amazing how a simple song can speak to my heart in such a profound way? YHVH is a God of miracles. He did such incredible things for the Maccabees and everyone else in Scripture for that matter. Is He still the same God? Does He still work miracles? I actually remember being […]

Thanksgiving memories

Twelve years ago today, a young man was very scared. His whole life was at stake, and he had no control over the outcome. He did not know what the future held, but he had to take the risk. He had to know the answer to his question. So he got down on one knee, […]

Torah home management – routine


I thought I had a great idea. Why not write about what Torah has to say about home management, and specifically routine? I already wrote some posts about Torah parenting, and even some books. Surely Torah has something to say about how we run our homes, too. Little did I know the post would end […]

How to rejoice when the car gets fixed

I thought everyone would like to know that my van is fixed! I now have power steering again. The really exciting part is that I fixed it myself. I am not in the habit of fixing cars, or even checking fluid and changing tires. But I do hand over wrenches quite nicely, so I felt […]

How to rejoice when the car breaks down

When the unexpected happens, it is hard to rejoice. It is hard to be happy when you pull into a parking lot and discover that you have no steering. That is what happened to me today. But, Praise Yah, He helped me to rejoice in the middle of it. This morning, Doug had the great […]

Can we obey 98% of the time?

As we enter into the fall feasts, we are given a wonderful opportunity to evaluate ourselves.  We need to look in the dark corners of our closets, peek under the cupboards, organize that high shelf. So it is at this time that I ask the question: Am I obeying YHVH 98% of the time? Yahshua […]

What is Torah family living?

What is Torah family living? What does it look like? It will look slightly different in every family, but there are common factors. The main idea is to take the principles found in Torah very seriously and seek to apply them on a daily basis. There is much more in Torah than Sabbath and the […]

The Power of a wife


We women do not often realize the great power we have in our role as wives. The home rises and falls on the woman. The tone and atmosphere is set by her. The spiritual compass is often in her head. The ability to influence and build up her husband lies squarely on her shoulders. She […]

An incredible day

I would love to do another post on previous birth experiences, so you would completely understand how incredible this birth was. But I like to keep my blog a relatively positive place, so I’ll keep it brief. I have had many false alarms, lasting days at a time, 2 c-sections, 3 transfers to the hospital, […]

Of chickens and fear


So my children are all talking about getting to go in and help me pay for chicken feed at the feed store. My three year old pipes up with, “I not go chickens. Chickens kill me.” Everyone laughed at her cuteness, including her. But the real truth is that she is terrified of chickens. If […]