Torah parenting – Noah

Torah parenting – Noah   Noah found favor in YHVH’s sight. He was “a model child” for our purposes. How did YHVH deal with the good kid?   (Gen 6:8)  But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.   (Gen 6:12)  And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for […]

Torah parenting – Cain and Abel

I am tempted to say that I am glad I do not have a son like Cain. But then I realize I must be very careful. A “Cain” could be waiting for me tomorrow. What can we learn from this very sad story? Cain and Abel were different, with different personalities and tastes. Cain preferred […]

Torah parenting – Adam and Eve

The theme of my website is “Torah family living.” How can we apply Torah to everyday family life? What does the Torah say about parenting? Can we go beyond Deuteronomy chapter six, and the teaching that rebellious children are to be stoned? I think we can. But it might require a little thinking outside the […]