Bo life lessons
(Exodus 10:1-13:22) The eighth plague came from the east. Pharaoh had refused to even listen to the counsel of his fellow Egyptians. They had warned him that Egypt was already ruined. But he would not humble himself. So the locusts blew in with a vengeance. The Hebrews watched in horror as the locusts devoured everything […]
Who is your God?
I worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He is the God who parted the Red Sea to save his people Israel. He promised Israel a land all their own. He keeps the seventh day Shabbat. He shows many signs and wonders and miracles. He keeps His promises. He sent His Son to show […]
Torah life lessons – Toldot
Just a few thoughts for us to apply from this week’s Torah portion: Toldot. Pregnancy is a time for deep reflection and perhaps a personal message from YHVH! The best things come to those who wait. Being the oldest can be overrated. Our children are individuals, right from the womb. I like the quiet life, […]
The cost of love
I just watched footage of the little Chinese girl hit by a truck. She has now died of organ failure. What broke my heart was the people that walked past her without helping. They not only refused to help her, they didn’t even look. She might as well have been a sack of potatoes. It […]
Can we obey 98% of the time?
As we enter into the fall feasts, we are given a wonderful opportunity to evaluate ourselves. We need to look in the dark corners of our closets, peek under the cupboards, organize that high shelf. So it is at this time that I ask the question: Am I obeying YHVH 98% of the time? Yahshua […]
Psalm 17:8
Psalm 17:8 “Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings.” I love finding word pictures in Scripture. Sometimes I have to dig a little into the Hebrew to find them. Sometimes they are right in front of me. This verse immediately makes me think of chickens. I […]
Thoughts on the Old Testament
I have been reading through the Bible in 90 days. I have never done this before, and I am awed by what I am seeing. YHVH preserved His truth and His people, even when they did very wicked things and left Him. He preserved their geneology, so they would know who they were when their […]
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