
Welcome to Torah portion Tetsaveh. Tetsaveh means you shall command. Scripture passage: Exodus 27:20-30:10 Read Aloud from My First Torah Moses was instructed to make his brother Aaron a priest. Aaron would do all the jobs in the tabernacle, with the help of his sons. They would offer sacrifices on the altar. They would keep […]

Welcome to Torah portion Terumah. Terumah means portion. Scripture passage: Exodus 25:1-27:19 Read Aloud from My First Torah YHVH wanted to live among the Israelites in a very special place. He chose what kind of house He wanted. He chose a tent. YHVH told Moses to take an offering from the people. An offering is […]

Welcome to Torah portion Mishpatim. Mishpatim means judgments. Scripture passage: Exodus 21:1-24:18 Read Aloud from My First Torah YHVH gave the Hebrews many instructions for living. He wanted them to know how to handle everyday situations. We can follow these instructions to help us treat others fairly. When the Hebrews owned a servant, they had […]

Welcome to Torah portion Yitro. Yitro means Jethro. Scripture passage: Exodus 18:1-20:23 Read Aloud from My First Torah Jethro, Moses’ father in law, heard about all the wonderful things that had happened to the Hebrews. He met Moses in the wilderness. Moses told him all the amazing things that YHVH had done to deliver the […]

Welcome to Torah portion Beshalach. Beshalach means When he sent. Scripture passage: Exodus 13:17-17:16 Read Aloud from My First Torah The Hebrews came up out of Egypt quickly. They were led with a pillar of cloud by day, and a pillar of fire by night. But soon they were in a very bad spot. The […]

Welcome to Torah portion Bo. Bo means Come. Scripture passage: Exodus 10:1-13:16 Read Aloud from My First Torah YHVH wanted to show His might and power in Egypt, so He sent the eighth plague. Locusts came and covered the whole land. They ate everything that was green, and filled the houses and covered the ground. […]

Welcome to Torah portion Vaera. Vaera means And I appeared. Scripture passage: Exodus 6:2-9:35 Read Aloud from My First Torah Moses and Aaron went before Pharaoh again. Aaron’s rod turned into a serpent! Pharaoh’s magicians turned their rods into serpents, too. But Aaron’s rod swallowed their rods. YHVH began to send punishment, or plagues, on […]

Welcome to Torah portion Shemot. Shemot means Names. Scripture passage: Exodus 1:1-6:1 Read Aloud from My First Torah A new Pharaoh became the king of Egypt. He thought the Hebrew people were a threat to him. There were so many Hebrews that he thought they would fight against him in a war. So he […]

Welcome to Torah portion Vayechi. Vayechi means And He Lived. Scripture passage: Genesis 47:28-50:26 Read Aloud from My First Torah Jacob became sick as he grew older. He asked Joseph to bring his sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. Jacob was so happy to see Joseph and his sons. Jacob wanted to bless Ephraim and Manasseh. He […]

Welcome to Torah portion Vayigash. Vayigash means And He Approached. Scripture passage: Genesis 44:18-47:27 Read Aloud from My First Torah Judah told Joseph that losing Benjamin would kill his father. Then Joseph started to cry. He sent everyone else away and told his brothers the truth. He told them that he was Joseph, their brother. […]
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