Mattot & Masei

Welcome to Torah portions Mattot and Masei. Mattot means tribes. Masei means journeys. Scripture passage: Numbers 30:2-36:13 Read aloud from My First Torah Excerpts from My First Torah are only available for the current Torah portion. * Get all the Torah portions in My First Torah, a beautiful, illustrated paperback here. * Suggested activities Copywork […]
Ten commandments activity

In the Torah portion Yitro (Exodus 18:1-20:23), we look at the ten commandments. If we can faithfully obey these, we have made excellent strides in obeying YHVH. It is definitely true that the two greatest commandments are to love YHVH, and love your neighbor. He said unto him, What is written in the law? how […]
Red Sea diorama

The Torah portion Beshalach tells us the amazing story of the parting of the Red Sea. This is the miracle that all other miracles are compared to. We have an awesome project for your children to do for this Torah portion. So gather some cardboard, construction paper, glue and imagination, and we’ll get started. As […]
Movie Review – The 613 Commandments of Moses
Movie Review The 613 Commandments of Moses I was pleased to be given the opportunity to review this DVD set. There is great value in studying the Torah from many angles. So often, we focus on the weekly Torah portion, which is a wonderful way to get familiar with Torah, the foundation of the Bible. […]
New video – Do Not Steal
We had a blast creating this little video for you. The kids helped write and design it. We hope you can use it as a tool to help apply Torah principles to everyday situations. If you enjoyed it, please let us know! We have ideas for more, but we definitely want to know if you […]
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