American Foundation copywork PDF

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I remember when we first started looking at the Torah portions after spending our whole life in Sunday School and thinking we knew the Bible. I couldn’t believe what I was reading! I kept saying, “I didn’t know that was in here!” I felt the same way when our family started studying America’s founding documents in earnest. America has a rich heritage based solidly on Scripture, and though our founding fathers were far from perfect, the legacy they left us is worth understanding. That’s why I created this unique copywork book. I want my children to understand the foundation that this country was built on. Little by little, each day, they will be copying from some of the most influential documents in all of history.

Here’s what your children will be copying from.

  • The entire Declaration of Independence, not just the introduction. It’s important to look at the whole document to understand why the founding fathers finally decided to break away from England. It was not a frivolous decision by any means.
  • Multiple passages from the Exodus story, an unmatched look at how our Father in heaven values freedom.
  • Several Scripture passages to help us understand liberty, freedom, common law, etc.
  • The preamble to the Constitution. I have included the whole text for you to read, and the preamble to copy.
  • The Bill of Rights
  • Quotes from our founding fathers to help us better understand why they fought and why they structured our government as they did.

This PDF will give you an entire school year’s worth of copywork, almost 160 days. When you are copying some of the founding documents, you will also be prompted to define some words that we tend to not use much anymore. It’s paramount to understand the language if we are to truly appreciate America’s foundation. I have also included the Constitution for you to read and study as well.

You can download a sample here.

This is a PDF, you will not receive a physical book.

If you would like a paperback, they are available at amazon here. Affiliate link

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