You can learn more about each of the books below.
The Children’s Ketubah Project
It’s Okay to Hide in the Bathroom: The Overwhelmed Mom’s Guide to Enjoying Motherhood
Get both my parenting books for a discounted price! This set includes “The Children’s Ketubah Project” and “It’s Okay to Hide in the Bathroom: The Overwhelmed Mom’s Guide to Enjoying Motherhood.”
“The Children’s Ketubah Project” discusses making a written commitment to your children to raise them based on Biblical principles.
“It’s Okay to Hide in the Bathroom” gives you practical, concrete ways to make relational connections with your children. A solid relationship with your children gives you the ability to raise them without punitive methods, but still produce God-fearing responsible adults.
This set would make a great gift for young parents, or even a baby shower gift!
You can learn more about each of the books below.
The Children’s Ketubah Project
It’s Okay to Hide in the Bathroom: The Overwhelmed Mom’s Guide to Enjoying Motherhood
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